Magic Words And Unintentional Spells.

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I don't usually prompt outfits, but the following picture is what I imagined for the new outfit. In this chapter. I know it's from Hansel and Gretel: witch hunters. It just best shows what I was imagining. But if you don't like it. You can imagine something a bit more your style.

Anyway, sorry for the hold up

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Anyway, sorry for the hold up. Onto the next installment!
There was no chance of me falling asleep.  Not after this day.  I waited patiently for the others to fall asleep. Upon the sound of snoring I lifted my head.  The knights were asleep.  I headed out of the house to my own home. The rain still poured down and my bare feet stepped in the mud.  I stared at the charred remains of my home.  There was but a moment before I stepped inside.  Smoldering ashes had burnt through the home I remembered.  I looked for anything my mother left behind about magic.  But there was nothing more than her words for me to go west.  I felt it earlier, the power, the magic, that flowed through me.  As once happy memories danced through my mind; they were replaced with the destroyed images of the burnt, smoldering remains of my home.  I walked through the side of the house that wasn't still smokey.  The small dresser where I kept some of my clothes were there.  In the bottom drawer was something wrapped in thin paper.  I pulled the parcel from the drawer.  Beneath the paper was a beautiful set of gear that looked like it was for a hunter.  It did not look like men's clothes. I could only assume this was my mother's.  But I had never seen her wear anything close to this outfit.  I was starting to have more questions than answers.  I walked through the doorway to the bedroom separated from the rest of the house.  I lay out the outfit across the floor.  My head felt fuzzy.  For some reason I remembered that dream that haunted my sleep every night as a child.  For a moment part of that scene was clear, but not long enough for me to fully remember it.  It was just a flash of something long forgotten. I switched out the fancy dress for this more casual attire.  I felt more like myself in this new outfit. An off white blouse was covered by a leather style vest that passed my hips meeting pants with a similar hue of the vest.  A pair of leather gloves, and boots, sat on the floor as I admired the clothes.  It felt like these clothes would have fit my mother perfectly.  She was taller than I had been.   Unfamiliar words left my lips as the clothes magically tailored to fit me. Almost instantly I heard a voice that told me to go to the very caves my mother told me about.  As fast as that voice had startled me, it was gone; leaving me standing alone and quite confused. I walked into the main part of the house throwing my things onto a bed not harmed by the fire.  My eyes scanned the room with the realization that my family had way more secrets than I knew of. The silence suddenly broken by footsteps entering my home.

"What're you doing?" Merlin's voice inquired.

"Nothing." I spun around, defensive in my stance, "this is my home. Didn't think I needed your permission to come here."

"You killed those bandits earlier, didn't you?"

"It was a rush of anger. I didn't plan to, but it just happened."

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