Finding Our Paths Intertwined.

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It was hard to find sleep that night. My mind raced with thoughts.  Moonlight lit the bed under the open window.  Not only had I lost everything, but now I had magic.  Under King Uther's rule was not the best place to be if gifted with such power.  My hand reach above my body.  The blue light of the moon moving across my skin.  Things couldn't possibly get any worse.  When the sun came up I had already been awake for hours.  I decided to use some of the money I had found at my house to buy some breakfast. Only a few stalls were open.  This left me to limited choices.  While carrying back the food I ran into the butcher.  Arthur was at his side.  A shake of their hands sealed some sort of agreement.  I didn't know the prince of Camelot would interact with his subjects in such a casual way.  My presence did not go unnoticed. Arthur waved at me for my attention.

"Lovely to see you this morning, erm-" The word to address him properly slipped my mind for a moment. Instead I gave an awkward bow.

"I'm glad to see you actually,  _____.  This is the best butcher in our kingdom.  I believe you two have met previously."

"Yes, we have.  How is your family doing?"

"We're all together once again thanks to you."

They both had smiles on their faces.  For me, burning homes of my village, and the left behind corpses of those I loved were still fresh in my mind.  I feigned a smile complimented with a regurgitated a response to let them know I was happy for them.  Finding out more about myself, and my magic, was more important than staying in Camelot.  I could just leave.  But I didn't want to be ungrateful for all Arthur and his knights and done for me.  And Merlin.

"So what do you think?" Arthur asked.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I was coming out of my thoughts at the end of their conversation.

"She's shocked. I told you she'd be happy."

"For what?"

"Were you not listening?  You're just as bad as Merlin." Arthur joked, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Sorry, it's been hard to concentrate lately.  I didn't mean to be rude."

"Well, I found you a job hunting for our mutual friend here.  I saw you shoot the other day. I think it'd be fitting for you."

"That's actually very considerate.  I appreciate it."

Whether or not I stayed here depended on money for traveling.  Nothing resembled my home now.  Would I save money just to travel from village to village?  To see a few cities in between with no destination?  After all what really kept me in this city?

"Oh, _____," Merlin waved, heading toward us, "I thought you'd tried to run off again."

"I told you to stop following me everywhere, Merlin."

"I'm actually here to see if Arthur needed anything."

"I'm sure I haven't called for you, Merlin." Arthur rolled his eyes.  He knew well that Merlin was lying.

I listened in on the two men discussing the terms of my employment.  It made no difference what payment I received.  Merlin flashed a smile at me.  I could feel an odd beating in my chest.  Something different from running, or fighting.  It only occurred when Merlin was around.  Whatever was causing this malady was infuriating.    The butcher extended his hand to me.  I took it, giving him a firm shake.

"I'd like to get familiar with the woods.  So I'll grab a few things before heading out."

"You should accompany her, Merlin." Arthur smiled to himself before turning toward us from the butcher - who was now walking to open his stand. "Heaven knows she can't stay out of trouble for long."

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