To Have Magic in Camelot.

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The next morning Gaius had made a small breakfast. He apologized for falling asleep early. A plate extended toward me. I looked at him. He didn't remember the figure at all. Nor did he overhear our conversation. There was a sadness behind his actions. He knew something I was unaware of.

"Are you going hunting today?" he asked.

"I am. Do you need something since Merlin is gone?"

"I don't want to be a bother."

"Gaius you're letting me stay with you and Merlin. It's the very least I can do." I smiled taking a bite out of the fruit on my plate.

"I could use some lavender, calendula and valerian root."

"I'm sure I can find those. I used to gather herbs for my mother."

"I appreciate it, thank you."

I picked up my bow. My bag rest at the foot of the table. My hand waved as I hurried out of the door. His brow furrowed before taking a seat at the table. On top of the usual amount of work I did, he was hoping that I would be gone a few hours longer than normal. There was more activity than usual in town. As I passed through town the butcher asked that I bring back extra if I could. Or even something special.

"Is there some feast going on today?" I asked.

"If you come back early enough you'll see."

A smile spread across his face. If it was a feast he most likely would have asked me to bring back something large. A boar, for example, was more fitting for a feast than the small game I returned with. But no one wanted to speak of what events was taking place later that day. I headed out of town. The guards nodded as I passed by. Sometimes I'd bring them extra small game that I couldn't sell back to the butcher. At least it felt a little calmer out in the woods. The wind in the trees, animals scurrying about. For some reason I did not want to hunt. I didn't want to take a life. But work was work. If I wanted to get paid I had to bring something back for him. The words from Aryn still floated through my subconscious. The sentiment he left me with were unsettling to say the least. In that moment I wish Merlin wasn't off supporting the killing of magic users. Deep down I know that he was against hurting these people. But he didn't fight Arthur on this. I didn't know much about Camelot, but what I had learned was awful. Merlin's destiny was here. If mine was with him, did that mean I would be stuck in this place forever?

"Out here all alone?" Aryn inquired, as he stepped closer to me.

"Are you stalking me?"

"Not exactly. I am interested in how you took the information I gave you yesterday."

"What am I supposed to think? It's a bit much to take in at once."

"Do you know what is going on in town today?"

"No, but..."

The wind whipped up around me. A smile crept upon his lips. The world slowed down as he spoke the words to me. Each word causing my heart to sink more. My body didn't hesitate to turn toward the castle. I ran as fast as my feet could carry me. The guards looked surprised seeing me come back so soon. Neither of them tried to stop me. A crowd had formed beneath the court balcony of the castle. in the center of them stood a hooded figure. They were wearing basic, almost tattered, clothing. Their hands bound behind their back, restrained to a large stake. My body snaked through the crowd. Uther stepped on to the balcony. The murmuring crowd hushed upon seeing him.

"This woman has been found guilty of practicing dark magics within our city. Since you have no proof to deny these charges you are being executed by burning at the stake. Magic has no place in Camelot or this country. Tonight we will celebrate another triumph over magic."

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