His Recovery and My Embarrassment.

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Air brushed against my skin. My feet didn't touch the ground, my body seemed to be nowhere near a solid surface. No matter what I tried my eyes wouldn't open. I couldn't quite place where I was. Something about this sensation felt magical. The first thought was that Aryn, or Morgana, had something to do with this. Then I heard a sound. One I remembered from the start of this crazy journey. A drop of water landed into a pool of water. The sound reverberated around me. The world slowly starting to form again underneath me. When I opened my eyes, I found myself sprawled on the cavern floor near my home. My body sprung from the ground. Was this a dream? How could I have gotten here?

"That was an impressive amount of magic." The guardian spoke, appearing behind me, "I am surprised you could awaken that much in such a short time."

"Why am I here? How did I-"

"Not you, your spirit came here. And that's not uncommon when a Scion outdoes themselves. Your spirit merely came here to recharge. You should be mindful in the future not to use your power so carelessly."

"So that means my body is back in Camelot?"


"I had to protect him." I realized who I was talking about and tried to correct myself, "Them. A lot of people were in danger, not just one person."

"It's apparent you care for Emrys."

"Merlin. He's hurt. I have to go back and help him somehow."

"You will when you have recovered. As I said that much magic in one go will exhaust you."

"While I am here, I need to talk with you."

"What can I help you with?"

"There are people trying to get me to leave Camelot. It seems like they want me to help them overthrow Camelot. It's not how I want to have magic accepted. Forcing it on people will only make them fear it more."

"That's a very good way to look at this situation."

"They've harmed Merlin. They've stooped to low tactics to try to get me to help. I'm afraid they will do something horrible to get me to help them. I'm afraid."

"You are not the first to come here with that sentiment."

Her hand placed upon my shoulder. A rush of past lives passing through my vision. I saw wars fought, betrayals, love, everything. For a glimpse of the past I could see my mother in Camelot. My father, the knight, that risked everything to save her from the Great Purge. Through the flash of her memories I could see what exactly happened during that time. Families were torn apart. People with magic, and those innocent of that 'crime', were slaughtered by the masses. When the guardian removed her hand, my eyes refocused on the cave my spirit resided in.

"How do you feel after seeing all that?"

"I'm not sure. That was a lot at once. But the Great Purge," my voice trailing off, "my problems seem like nothing in comparison."

"You seem to be ready to head back. I'm sure we'll meet again in the future. Especially if you exert yourself at the rate you have been."

As if waking from a short slumber, my eyes opened. The room was dimly lit. My body leaned on the wall behind me while sat on a stool. Halfway across the room Merlin was on the bed in his room. I must have passed out right after we got back into the room. The door was closed, but I could hear shuffling outside of the room. When I stood I noticed no trace of exhaustion in my body. My fingers balling to make a fist before extending. As if that would show me a sign of improvement in my condition. Gaius looked up as the door closed behind me.

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