#Chapter 26 - Monsters (Part I)

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It's been two weeks since Brandon and Zion know the truth. Austin seems to be avoiding me. Edwin and Nick don't know anything, or at least I really think they don't know anything. Some days I go to the gym with Edwin or stay home watching Netflix with Nick. The boys except for Austin have been helping me with the channel, however Simon kind of told me that I needed to do something with Austin since it was our channel.
I did my way to his room and knocked hearing a "yes?", I opened the door to see Austin sitting on his bed with his legs crossed and Katrina was laid looking at her phone. Fuck... (I thought to myself)

"Oh, sorry... it was nothing, nevermind." - I quickly told him trying to escape the situation while under the deadly look that Katrina was giving me.

"Wait, what did you needed?" - Austin asked before I could turn and walk away.

"It was nothing really, I actually can't remeber what I was going to say so it must be nothing important." - I said looking at the floor while I walked back and closed the door behind me. I went downstairs but soon heard footsteps behind me, I turned around expecting to see Katrina but it was Austin.

"I didn't bought that not even a bit, tell me what did you wanted to talk with me..." - Austin looked at me as we both stopped and faced each other. I looked around to check if Katrina was around.

"Simon told me that we are supposed to do something for the channel together..." - I told him not even bothering in find an excuse again. - "But there is no rush, you're busy so we will talk about that later..." - I said and walked to the front door leaving the house hearing only a "wait" from Austin and closed the door. I kept walking not knowing exactly to where. I just walked untill I started to recognize the area. There was a house that I recognize by the windows, it was the only house in the area that always had grey glass in the windows, but the walls used to be white and now they are black. I walked past some more houses to see a little light blue one. A really nice lady in her 50's used to live there when I left, Anne I think that was her name. I took a look at the house, the windows were dusty, the fence around the house was rusty, I looked closer over the fence and saw a yellow tape around the front porch, it said "police line, do not cross", I got caught by surprise thinking of what may have happened there since I left.

"Her son went missing a few months ago, the police found his car drown in some lake, they didn't found his body but declared him dead. She couldn't handle the pain so she killed herself last month..." - I heard a voice behind me saying, I turned around to see a young boy in his 30's looking at the house, he had brown hair and a black hoodie covering his head and black sunglasses. He looked weird, like if his was trying to stay lowkey.

"Oh... that's so sad, she was always really nice, I mean, we never talked much but whenever we did she always looked really bright and sweet." - I looked at the boy with a sad face.

"Yeah, she was really amazing..." - the boy smiled a little

"I'm sorry, are you from here?" - I asked

"I used to be, I moved a few months ago to Atlanta and now I came to find someone that I once meet..." - he explained

"Oh, I moved to Atlanta too, a year ago... it's a cool place, but I grew here and find it really different..." - I confessed

"I think that too... I didn't meant to leave L.A but sometimes life switch our plans." -  he leaned his head to the side

"No doubt about that... I'm (Y/N) by the way." - I smiled

"Jason." - he replied

"Nice to meet you Jason..." - I told him

"Look, I really need to go now, sorry." - He said

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