#Chapter 22 - Wait

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*Austin's Pov*

I woke and saw it was already day, I looked around me and neither (Y/N) or I had moved, we were still in the same position that we were last night, her body next to mine, my arm around her, I could scent the remains of her perfume, she seemed to be sleeping so peacefully. I remembered last night, I remembered when I asked her if she was pregnant, I was breaking into millions of pieces in the inside with the fear that she would say yes. The relief I felt when she said no, when she said that she couldn't be pregnant because we weren't together for all those months, that's when I realized that she hand't been with anyone all this months. It broke my heart when she told me what was going on. Once she told me the truth I saw how broke she was, I wished I could have been there for her... Maybe things would have not reached this point. I seriously don't know how she is not in the hospital. Last night when I saw her without makeup, she looked so pale, it was obvious she has not been sleeping enough, her hands shaking... She looks so fragile, everyone who saw her this way would thought she is made of glass and it's about to crash into pieces. When I layed next to her I felt the difference, when I layed she was so tense, but once I pulled her closer she relaxed on my arms. For moments I forgot about all the problems, me and her, without fighting, on each others arms... for some moments it seemed like nothing had changed. But now I have to focus on being here for her, be the friend she needs. I looked above her to see the clock on top of the bedside table in her side, it was 11am. I was sure that she was sleeping and didn't surprised me that she hadn't still woke up. This is probably the night that she slept the most in a long time. I didn't wanted to wake her, she needs to sleep, so I just rested my head on the pillow and felt asleep again.


I opened my eyes, it seemed to be morning already, I look above my shoulder to see Austin laid next to me, his arm still around me, he seemed to be asleep. Suddently I realized that I had slept all night for the first time in a long time. I couldn't remeber of having nighmares or waking up after he laid next to me. It was an amazing feeling to feel the effect that those hours of sleep were doing. I hand't recharge all my energies but I was feeling better and more relaxed. I looked to the clock on the bedside table and realized it wasn't morning, it's was 4:30pm already. I got up slowly trying slide under Austin's arm. I walked to the side of the bed where he was laid and called his name but no answer or reaction, I put my hand on his shoulder and leaned.

"Austin..." - I said and he mumbled something that I couldn't heard. Then he turned and faced me opening his eyes slowly, when he saw it was me he smiled and sat on the bed, I sat next to him.

"Good morning sleeping beauty..." - he said.

"Good evening shall we said..." - I laughed - "It's 4:30pm..."

"Already?" - he said surprised and I nodded

"You should go now and change, the boys are probably worried." - I said, I wasn't trying to get rid of him, I just didn't wanted to have a weird conversation.

"You know they are not worried...they know that I'm with you..." - he said - "You are going to tell them, right?" - Austin asked but it wasn't really a question, it was more like an order.

"I just don't know how to tell them..." - I looked at my lap at the same time I was trying to think in a way of tell them.

"Everything is going to be fine... You will see." - I nodded, he leaned forward and I tried to get up before he could reach me but he was more quick and wraped his arms around me hugging me while resting his head on my shoulder.

"Austin was the hell are you trying to do? Get off..." - I told him trying to sound serious.

"I'm just hugging you what's the problem?" - he asked confused

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