#Chapter 18 - She's On My Mind

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*Tony's Pov*

I was cleaning the back of the house in the opposite side of where (Y/N) was. It was really quiet, no more voices, no more music... I was thinking about the kiss between us, I'm perfectly aware that she doesn't have feelings for me, she's in love with Austin and I won't be able to change that. That kiss meant nothing, it was just a moment. Yes, I like her, more than just a friend but it's kind of not serious because I've been with her for only 2 months and my feelings are not even half of what those two have, anyone could see it. I just like to be with her, she's an amazing person to be around, always was, but that's it, so I think I'm just gonna leave things as they are instead of getting involved and screw everything. I'll talk to her in the morning... My thoughts got interrupt by a scream, (Y/N) screaming for Austin... I didn't know what to think, did something happened to him? I ran in the direction of the voice to, in a glance, see her falling from the cliff and see a blond girl running away, I'm pretty sure it was that girl Katrina. I got closer to the edge of the cliff and looked down, I couldn't see (Y/N) anywhere, I thought about jumping but that was just a stupid idea, there are rocks down there and I would kill myself. I grabbed my phone and called 911... in just a few minutes, rescue forces started to show up, they started searching for her after I tell them she had fell. I was nervous as hell, I knew that her chances were bad, the height of the cliff was really high and with the rocks in the end of it, she could have drown if the rocks didn't killed her in the first place. I was trying to stay optimistic but it was hard... the police asked me a few questions about what happened, I chose to say that I heard her screaming and I saw her fell, you can judge me for not saying she had been pushed.

About one hour after she had fall I heard the police comunicating with the rescue team.

"We found her, she's alive... I repeat, we found her, she's alive... iniciating transference to Grady Memorial Hospital, over." - the rescue team said, I took a deep breath, thank god she's alive.

"C'mon, I'll take you there." - the officer said.


*Austin's Pov*

After an hour of music and still no sleep I got up and switched the tv on, and laid in the bed again, I started to change the channels to choose one, when all of sudden a news channel caught my attention.

«Breaking News: New Simon Cowell's female artist it's hospitalized after falling from a cliff. The artist (Y/N) fell from a height of 131ft in the back of her own house and is now hospitalized in Grady Memorial Hospital. Her condition remains unknown.»

My heart stopped for a moment to then start beating uncontrolled. My world felt on the ground right under my feet. I left the room with the same clothes I had at the party, I knocked hard in the door of the boys room, and soon the four of them were in the hall looking at me and with sleepy faces.

"What the hell Austin, it's not even 6am yet!" - Zion said annoyed

"What's wrong man? You look like you saw a ghost!" - Brandon told me

"(Y/N) is the hospital, she fell from a cliff!" - I said quicly and I'm almost sure I had a panic face, I could feel my hands shaking as much as my heart beating

"What??" - they all said shocked, at the same time.

"Grady Memorial Hospital, meet me there!" - I said and started running to the exit of the hotel. I heard the boys telling me to wait but I kept running. The hospital was not too far from the hotel, I stopped just for a few seconds to try remember the map I had seen before to know what direction to go, but I just couldn't.

I stopped some random guy walking in the street and asked him what direction should I go, I guess he saw how nervous I was because he quickly told me. I'll be there faster if I run... so I started running like my life depended on that, actually it might depend. In about 10 minutes I was there and gasping for air. I asked in the reception where she was... they told me to go to the third floor and ask again because there no information about what room she was, if she was in one. Lift or stairs? (I thought) Stairs... I decided and started running again... Once I entered in the hall I saw Tony sat on a chair waiting, he looked at me and stopped me from keep running...

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