#Chapter 25 - Weight in Gold

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I stood crying there for a while, not sure how long, untill I heard the door open and a part of me wished it was Austin, but it was just Nick. He slowly entered the room, I looked at him without even care about that he would see that I was crying, there was no point in trying to convinced him otherwise.

"What happened?"- Nick asked getting closer and I got up to seat on the chair again and Nick sat in front of me, I told him what Austin had said, I asked him what I was doing wrong? Because in the end of the day it doesn't matter my feelings for him, he really has a girlfriend and he shouldn't be so close to me, so I don't think that I'm doing something wrong by pushing him away.

"He's just stressed, he didn't mean it..." - Nick told me

"Yes he did... he saw the photos of that joke between Brandon and Zion, didn't he?" - I askek knowing that the answer was more likely to be a «yes».

"I think he did... but that doesn't mean..." - Nick was about to say

"It does... he saw those photos and he really thinks that I'm a slut!" - I threw my hands in the air, I got up of my chair and raised my hands to my head while shaking it. Nick got up and grabbed my arms with his hands making me stop.

"Don't say that! Austin would never think that about you... he loves you." - Nick looked me in the eyes.

"No, no Nick, he doesn't... he moved on, he's with Katrina, he loves her! Not me... he left that really clear..." - I tried to convince Nick - "I should have stayed in Atlanta, this was a bad idea, how am I supposed to work with him like this?" - I questioned him not expecting an answer

"You two have some conection, it doesn't matter what's happening around you or between you two, because despite that you always establish that connection and work really well. The Syco Party for example... things didn't ended well the last time you two saw each other but you guys killed that dance floor and amazed everyone, I'm sure you can do it again!" - he smiled at me

"Maybe...I hope... I don't want him so close like he is but I don't want him gone either...

"He could never leave you just like that..." - Nick insisted

"But I left everyone and went to Atlanta... I couldn't judge him if he walked away." - I confessed looking through the window, my tears had stopped.

"It was a different situation, you were hurt and couldn't stand to be near him... he's just jealous and pissed because he wants to be near you like the rest of us but you don't let him..." - Nick explain

"It's complicated..." - I look down

" I know, you don't have to explain yourself, I'm sure you have a good reason..." - he gave me a little smile - "If you ever want to talk about those reasons I'm here for you." - he hugged me

"Thanks Nick..." - I hugged him back

"Now come on, let's find Ed and go for a walk, what do you think?" - he suggested

"Yeah, let's go..." - I agreed and we went to Edwin's and Zion's room, Edwin was laid on his bed and I jumped on him.

"Ohhhh man down!" -he complained

"Get your ass out of this bed, we're going for a walk!" - I told him

"Okay okay, but you need to let me get up..." - he laughed

"Right..." - I got up and he did too, we went outside and started walking through the streets of L.A, we decided to walk too the Galleria and Edwin started an Instagram live like he does when he goes to the gym. Nick and Edwin were answering  some questions and talking about Prettymuch's new projects. We were almost at the Galleria when we heard someone calling our names, we turned around to see two girls  going in our direction so we stopped walking and waited for them, they were probably beanz. Edwin explained that we were going to end the live so that we could give more attention to the girls.

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