#Chapter 12 - Feels

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Me and Austin were sleeping on his bed at the hotel room when we got woke up by a call, it was Austin's phone, he grabbed it to answer the call and I looked at him. I saw Austin put the call on speaker and I could see "ZION" on the screen.

"CONGRATULATIONS!!!" - We heard five voices screaming...

"Boys... it's 9 in the morning and we were sleeping so please don't scream..." - I asked them

"Sleeping? Yeah of course..." - Brandon said in a sarcastic tone. - "I can imagine what you two have been doing..." - he said

"Actually I think you can... haven't you been spying on us?" - I asked in the same tone - "Bees fly and so does love... Really?" - I teased him

"Whatever... you two are finally together so doesn't matter and I'm not there anymore, I came back the next day..." - he explained

"So you guys are saying that the world is talking about you two and you guys are sleeping instead of screaming in the street and stuff?" - Zion asked confused

"What are you guys talking about?" - Austin asked confused looking at me and I agreed asking the same...

"You don't know? You two are all over the web... every beanz out there is talking about your channel and about you two dancing and (Y/N) dressed in a princess gown..." - Nick explained the reason of the excitement.

"What?" - Austin and I asked at the same time.

"Catch up for god sake! Go to twitter..." - Edwin said and Austin opened twitter in the midle of the call... Soon as Austin scrolled some tweets it came up " New couple, Austin Porter from PRETTYMUCH and raising star (Y/N) start channel together and post the first video in love..." and there was the video of our last night's dance to the sound of Death Of A Bachelor.

"Noah must have recorded without we notice him... we hadn't seen this yet" - Austin said to the boys and me.

"Well, Noah did you guys a favor...You two are amazing together! - Brandon said



(Author's Note: Let's fast foward this a bit, shall we?)

Austin and I ended up leaving Paris after we made oficial that we were a couple... in that day we got back to L.A... We met the boys at Prettymuch's house and all of them were super excited for seeing us again. Of course we had to told all the details... not all of them of course (You know what I mean...). Austin and I were super happy, we started to like the idea of having an youtube chanel to post our dance videos and Austin had to speak with Simon Cowell about that but he said it was fine. It's been a month since that night in Paris, every week we post a new dance video or a new cover, it's amazing to see so many beanz supporting our relationship, of course there's hate too, it always will be but that doesn't affect us, many of our fans are beanz but I actually started to have some fans of my own and it's amazing! Knowing that people actually like what you do....

In the other day a tv channel scheduled an interview with the boys and they asked if I could go to, they wanted to interview the six of us... Simon agreed so I agreed too, and today is the day of that interview and we were already at the tv studio.

"We are now live at TeenFAM with the exclusive band of the moment, PRETTYMUCH! And with us there's Austin Porter's girlfriend (Y/N), you might already have heard about her. Later on the show we will have PRETTYMUCH singing their newest single "10,000 hours". Hello everyone, welcome to our studio." - Katie Slant, the tv host, said to us.

"Hi!" - we all said and then the boys introduced themselves -  I'm Austin, I'm Nick, I'm Edwin, I'm Brandon, I'm Zion and it's PRETTYMUCH".

"So... boys, it's been almost 3 months since Would You Mind release... your fanbase increases everyday... tell us a bit about how it feels to see the fame grow everyday?" - Katie asked

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