#Chapter 8 - Forever Don't Last

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*(Y/N) Pov*

I grabbed my phone and called Matt.

«Hello?» - he asked

«Matt...it's me...Can I use your studio? I'm in a urgent need to dance in some place quiet.» - I explained and wished for him to say yes.

«Yeah, sure... you have the key... but (Y/N), it's late, did something happened?» - he asked worried.

«Everyhting is fine...You really don't mind I use the studio?» - I asked again

«No, it's fine! I'll see you tomorrow, okay?» - he said

«Okay, see you tomorow, thanks Matt!» I thanked and hang up the phone, I walked to the studio for about half an hour. My head hurt, I was starting to feel sick and ended throwing up on the sidewalk but then I kept walking untill the studio, when I arrived I went straight inside, switch on my phone, I saw Edwin's text on the screen.

«Are you safe?» - He asked for the tenth time

«Yes, I'll be okay.» - I texted back.

I put some music, Flirt Righ Back came on and I started dancing. I was still feeling the music like I was in the club, I was feeling it. The alcohol mixed with the rhythm of the music was running through my veins. I was alone, the lights were few and for the first time I felt peace. I closed my eyes while dancing, untill I tried to spin in the middle of the song and fall, I got up again and kept dancing trying to spin again and kept falling. By the fifteenth time I fell I quit, I broke and let everything came out, I let the alcohol leave my body through my tears, I just stood there, on the floor, crying... a few hours later I came home and fell asleep still with my clothes on.


I got wokeup in the morning by my phone, I saw an unknown number on the screen but answered and asked who it was.

«Good morning, I'm Melanie Andrian, I own a club in Atlanta and I had acess to a video of you singing and dancing... I'm going straight to the matter, I want you to perform at my club next week. What do you say?» - The woman said

«I'm sorry, are you sure this is the right number?» - I asked

«Are you (Y/N)?» - she asked

«Yes, it's me...» - I confirmed

«Then yes, I'm sure. So, what's your answer?» - she asked and because I din't answer right away she continued - «I'll pay you well and I'll pay you the plane ticket, you can sing whatever you want... 3 songs, that's all I ask. Look, one of the artist I had scheduled, quit and I need someone to fill that spot, you are what I was looking for...» - she explained while I tought for some seconds

"Okay, I'll take it...» - I agreed, the amount of money that I will receive is a great help and I don't have nothing to lose. Maybe it will be good to get away from here for a while.

«Great! You leave on Thursday at 10am...» - she hung up the phone whithout letting me answer... Thursday? That is 2 days from now!


I was starting to accept the ideia of leaving in two days for almost two weeks, lucky for me Matt's studio it's going to be closed for two and a half weeks because he has some event in New York and today is the last day untill they close the studio.


The days passed and soon I was in Atlanta, the reason I had to go so early is because of the rehearsals since I was the one who would do the coreography for the performance. For the past days I haven't talk with the boys except Edwin. Speaking in the devil.

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