#Chapter 5 - Flirt Right Back

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*Austin's Pov*

"BRANDON!" - I screamed to boy who was still sleeping in his room - "BRANDON!" - I said again

"What? Wtf bro, let me sleep!" - he grumbled

"I will... if you tell me where (Y/N) lives..." - I said

"Whatever, it's..." - he told me the adress and I left... I ran my hand through my hair and closed the door behind me.


*(Y/N)'s Pov*

it was already noon and I had to go to work, I left home and caught a uber to Matt's studio, I work there a few days a week.

It was 8pm when I got back from work, I arrived home and saw Austin sitting on the front door steps, with one hand on his knee and the other holding is phone.

"Austin? What are you doing sitting at my door? Sorry, come in..." - I asked and opened the door

"I came to see if you wanna hang out but you weren't home so I decided to wait for you here..." - He said and shrugged his shoulders.

"Omg, how long have you been here?" - I stopped what I was doing and looked at him.

"4, 5 hours maybe..." - he said after looking at his phone probably to see what time it was.  - "I called and sent messages but I thought you might still be annoyed at me because of what I said yesterday"

"I was working, I didn't have my phone with me, I'm so sorry Austin... " - I looked at him with a sad face and apologized - "You're probably starving!" - I asked

"It's fine, yeah actually I am... would you mind getting dinner with me?" - he asked looking pretty nervous, what the hell boy, why are you so nervous, I wanted to asked but I didn't.

"Sure, let me just change to other clothes, there's some snacks in the fridge if you want." - I said and started walking to my room.

"Thanks, I'll wait here for you..." - Austin said.


My heart was pounding, a lot actually, I looked to my closet searching for something to wear.

"Fuck, I don't have nothing to wear!" - I wanted to scream but knowing that Austin was downstairs I tried  to controled myself. I kept searching, the poor boy was starving and I had to hurry, I grabbed a blue blouse with some large cute sleeves and some pink and turquoise hawaiian flowers with white leaves, and dressed some black ripped jeans, picked my black and purple vans and got my make up, pink eyeshadown and red cherry lipstick. Got my hair done the same way at night before to my date with Brandon and got back to Austin.

"Sorry If it took me to long to get ready, let's go?" - I apologized and smiled

"You didn't, let's go..." - He got up and started walking to the door. - "Beanzie?" - he said

"Yes?" - I asked

"You look great by the way... and we are matching... " - he said pointing to his shirt and I'm pretty sure I saw him smiling.


We arrived at some park.

"The park? I tought we were getting dinner..." - I asked confused

"We are, come on..." - he said and told me to follow him.

We walked for some minutes untill we got at a part of the park with a white awning and some turquoise tables and chairs, a little food truck was placed not to far from that awning.

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