Nonsense 95!

44 3 0

More Quotes from THAT DUDE!

Jay: How many bowls were you smoking when you created this game? What the f**k?


Jay: Thrust your way to greatness baby!


Jay imitating a rip off Yandere Chan: Is that Senpai?

Jay Talking Normally: No, it's nothing because this game IS A PIECE OF S-


Jay: You can push me but I'm not gonna push you.


Jay: I'm surprised that the floor isn't pregnant yet from how many thrusts I'm giving it...


Jay: Welcome everyone, to Amai Odayaka's cooking show. I have my frying pan right here and today, we're about to cook up some A** WOOPINGS!


Jay: Hopefully Amai is good at baking because this nurse can sure use some buns!
Look at this guys, 2 years and we're still working with some pancakes back here!


Jay: Pancake a** affects one and every 3 nurses. If you would like to give this nurse some booty, donate to "SaveDatA**.org". I repeat, "SaveDatA**.org". Thank you.


Jay: The wood chipper?! I have to find the wood chipper?! Where am I gonna put it, up my a**hole?!


Jay: At least the mod gives us 3 hints when it knows we're a dumb***.


Jay: Why is everything looking all distorted like we're high on drugs?


Jay: When I was in school, I couldn't even get a girl to lend me an extra pencil! What the f**k?! Senpai must be hung like King Kong because I honestly don't understand how this guy is getting all these girls to be all over him. What the f**k?


Jay: Woahhhh baby GOD DAMN!


Jay: If I was at this school, I'd be coughin' all the time like "Uh, Sensei, *coughs* I'm not feeling good Sensei, I need to go to the nurse really bad!" and once I open the door to the nurses office I'll be like "Heyyyy!"


Jay: Uh- sorry, let me pick my jaw up from off the floor.


Jay: Is she gonna teach class or is she gonna go to her local strip club?


"Purple Croissants"

"Purple Croissants"

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