Nonsense 89!

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What happened during the week

So on Tuesday, during third period, we had to write a note to somebody imaginary/real who has glossophobia
I picked....
Pikario :3
I picked him...
And then I mentioned a few more people
Tarte and Pekorin :3

While we were in the lunch line on Thursday (or Monday...or Tuesday I forgot when this happened) everybody was talking about private parts and stuff

On Thursday, my thighs hurt so much
Because everybody kept slapping them ;-;

On Wednesday, I kept asking my family if they liked Pikario or Kirarin
It's kinda sad
Everybody voted for Pikario.-.

Today during lunch, I was hanging out with my friends Kamarra, Abigail and Meira
Because we were on the field and the teachers weren't around I took out my phone and played on it :3

But before that...My teacher let us go to lunch like 18 minutes early so she told us to not get in line and sit down at the table right next to the line if we wanted to get in line immediately (we also have the choice to wander around the lunch area too so :3)
I started talking about how I drunk spoiled milk and then we all just started talking about spoiled milk
I never meant to start that conversation
And after that we just started talking about random stuff
Anyways, my teacher let me be first in Line (By the way, this is my SUPER nice teacher aka my favorite teacher)

For steam, my class played infected!
Second round...
I tricked my half friend Oscar (For some reason I call him Ozz-car...)
So, he was behind this big bush and I was standing right in front of it
I kept saying I wasn't it
And then Joseph came over and that's when I GOT HIM!

Third round
This is kinda weird
Because I always end up talking to the boys in my class
Like when me and Junior (That isn't his real name but he wants us to call us that) we're talking while both of us were pretending to be on time out
And then 1 of my friends tagged me T-T
While we were at the benches
One of my friends slapped my....never mind
Because apparently it was "Slap a** Friday" at my school
My other friend did that to me last Friday

I swear....
My Math Teacher is mean af
Yesterday, she was talking to the boy that sat in front of me in History (Aka the boy who bought a lighter to school)
She said "You keep p***ing me off! You're p***ing me off!"
I couldn't help but giggle like a freakin baby
And she said that in front of us
Everybody was just looking at eachother smiling and stuff

Well, that's all!

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