Nonsense 74!

52 3 17

What happened at school today!
Throw all my trashy grammar in the comments

1: First Period ~ Math!
My teacher wasn't here!
So, the site security took us to the gym (because we have gym second period)

2: Second Period ~ Gym
We were the first ones in the gym :3
It was so quiet in There....
So...after that, we had to play Kick Ball
That game sucked so hard...
Half of the time, I was talking to my friend Jada (:3)

3: Break~
I got a snack from the cafeteria and I went to class!

4: Third Period ~ English
Nothing much...

5: Fourth Period ~ Science
This is when things got interesting~
So, this boy named Jonathan who is in my table group brought a lighter to school
At first, I wanted to snitch but I didn't.
But, when people started smelling the smoke, my teacher came over to us
Luckily, she didn't assume it was me or Valerie (The girl I sit next to. Btw, she's really nice :3)
She either said it was Joseph (The boy that sits next to Jonathan) or Jonathan
She was mainly asking Jonathan because he's bad AS HECK!
Then, Jonathan tried to lie and say he didn't use the lighter
That was when Valerie and I snitched
So, my teacher called Ms. Riley to come
Then, Jonathan's friend Camilo came over and Jonathan passed the lighter over to him RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, VALERIE AND JOSEPH!
So...Ms. Riley came
At first, I was like never mind but she said "No, tell me everything you know"
So then I snitched my butt off :3
Now, Camilo and Jonathan are in trouble!
They deserve it anyways!

6: Lunch~
I just watched the hula hooping (:3) competition
And then 2 girls (They looked like they were in 7th grade) walked up to me and said "Can I have some of your fries?"
I just nodded and gave them the fries
Then one of them said "I can have them?"
I nodded again :3
Then they said "Thanks" and we both walked away

7: Fifth Period ~ History

8: Sixth Period ~ Steam~
Not a lot happened...

So today, I was mostly examining my classmates to see which precure/villain they're mostly like
There's this one boy in my class that's pretty much like Bibury and I'm basically Giulio.-.
Jada is pretty much a mix of Akane and Aoi
Riann (:p) is DEFINITELY a mix of Hime and Reika (She's like Reika in looks and academics. She's like Hime in personality)

That's all~

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