"Dr. Re will be here in a few minutes" she said "she's a female baby doctor, if you don't want a female then I'll gladly change it to a male."

For some reason I felt like it would be weirder if it was a man.

"Female is fine" I mumbled, sitting on the bed thing.

"Okay, she'll be here in a few" with that the nurse walked out of the room.

The only time I've ever been in a room like this was when my sister was pregnant. She'd wanted me to see the baby on the screen, sadly she doesn't have him anymore. He died when he was born because the cord wrapped around his neck.

I don't my sister will ever get over it but she's managed.

I looked over at the screen where you see your baby using that weird thing and gel. I think it's kind of weird.

I puffed my cheeks out and stared at the floor instead of the things around me. A few minutes went by before a short woman with long brown curly hair walked in.

She smiled "hello, Baekhyun, I'm Dr. Re."

"Hello" I said.

"Okay, so you're here to see if you're pregnant?"

I nodded. This must be weird for her, because I'm a guy, because it's weird for me.

As if reading my thoughts, Dr. Re said "trust me, Mr. Byun, you'd be surprised by how many males have come into this clinic for a pregnancy test. Male pregnancy is actually a very common thing, so don't feel uncomfortable about it."

I frowned "it's common?"

She nodded and I don't think she was going to explain anything else. She grabbed a clip board and turned to face me "have you tried a pregnancy test before you came here?"

I nodded "but they're not always accurate, are they?"

She see-sawed her hands and said "it depends on which one you buy. But if you want 100% true results then here-" she handed me a small plastic cup "-pee in this and then we'll be able to see if you are or not."

I nodded and jumped off the bed. I took the cup from her and she pointed me in the direction of the bathroom.

After I peed in the cup, I washed my hands and walked back into the room I was.

She took the cup from me and said she'd be right back.

I looked around the room and my eyes landed on some magazines on a desk connected to the wall.

I hopped off the bed and walked over to them and read the titles. They were pregnancy magazines obviously like "What To Expect When Expecting" or "How To Keep Your Baby Healthy" then there's one that just says "Baby 101."

I picked up the "What To Expect When Expecting" magazine and flipped open page. It had a big '1' as the title and under it, it said "CRAVINGS."

It talked about how you'd be craving things you'd most likely never eat if you weren't pregnant. On the next page it had a subheading that said "To Beginners" and it talked about how the baby got the food and that whole process, as if we didn't learn that in school.

I flipped the page and the next one was about mood swings.

I sat the magazine down and sat back down on the bed.

The door opened 10 minutes later and Dr. Re finally walked back in. She had a smile on her face which only told me one thing. My heart dropped.

"Congratulations-" fuck you "-you are, in fact, pregnant" she did a silent clap and I guess she didn't notice my facial expression because my heart was dropping at an alarming rate.

I wanted to cry.

"You're about three months actually but that's okay some people don't find out until they're like 6 or 7 months so you still have plenty it time."

I hopped off the bed and shoved my hands in my pocket.

"I understand that you are very young, Baekhyun, so you may want to just take some time to think this whole through and think about what you want."

"I already know what I want" I said.

"And what is that?" I think she knew what my answer would be from the look she was giving me.

"...Abortion. I can't nor do I want to keep this thing."

"I'm not trying to stop you, because this is your decision, but can I say something?" Dr. Re asked.

I shrugged. Whatever she says she will not change my mind.

"You shouldn't blame the baby for your decisions."

Yeah. I know that. But I didn't want to blame myself right now, blaming the baby sounded stupid but it was what I wanted to do right now.

I nodded "okay. But I still don't want it."

She sighed and nodded before handing me a card "this is an abortion clinic not to far from here."

"Thanks." I said, shoving the card in my pocket.

"Have a nice day, Baekhyun."

"You too" I walked out of the room.

I can't take care of a baby. I'm only 16. I have priorities, like school and graduating. A baby is too distracting.

As I got into my car and started the engine all my thoughts flew out of my mind and only two lingered.

What will my parents say?


Will I tell Chanyeol?

Word Count: 1346

Chapter 4 if finished!!!
How was it?

Will Baekhyun tell Chanyeol? If so when? How?
Chapter 5 is also finished. It'll be published tomorrow ^•^

Edit 12-11-17: i know that it takes longer for a pee test results to come back. I wasn't thinking, lol sorry.....

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