Chapter Two

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(A/N) Hey guys! laptop broke )': so...I have to do all my uploading from my phone. I apologize for any spelling/grammar mistakes, I'm trying my best I swear! doesnt let me use the italics things, so, anything that would be in italics, like texts, thoughts, or when Rosalie is signing, I'm putting in between << >> symbols. Hope it isnt too confusing, let me know if it is and I'll fix it for you as SOON as I can<3 Thanks duckies! Enjoy!(: 


The five boys were laying around on couches, just being teenage boys. I smiled when I saw them. Yes, they were all..very attractive, but you could see how sweet and childish they all still were. As soon as they saw me, they bolted into the center of the room. Again, I smiled. Simon must have given them specific instructions to be on their best behavior.

All of them were staring at me, surprised. Guess I wasn't quite what they expected. Then, I realized my first dilemma. I knew the names of the boys; but didn't know which one was which. Ah well. I'll figure it out eventually. I scanned the boys, picking out how I would personally identify.

The one closest to me was sort of short, had blonde hair, and blue eyes.  

<<Definitely Blondie>> I thought, scribbling it down.

The next one was taller, tan, and had gorgeous blue eyes. He was wearing red chinos, Toms, and a striped shirt with suspenders.

<<I'm thinking I'm gonna call this one stripes>> I giggled in my head, writing it down after Blondie.

The one after him was tall, with sort of curly hair, a more square jaw, and brown eyes. Definitely good looking, but...I couldn't think of what to call him..

<<Uhm...uhm...I'll have to get Brandon or Kristi... >>I decided.

I held up a finger, signaling for them to stay. The boys all looked really confused at each other. Their lips were moving, but too quickly for me to even try to make out what they were saying. It was probably about me

I popped my head out of the door, waving frantically. Brandon immediately jogged over.

<<Are you okay? What happened?>> he signed, worried.

<<Everything's fine. I just...don't know who's who and I think im scaring them and they probably think I'm crazy...what if they tell someone to find someone else?! Brandon I need this job!>> I was sliiiiightly freaking out a little.

Brandon held my shoulders and just looked at me, calming me down immediately.

<<That won't happen. Simon loves you. And you'll get along GREAT with the boys. Come on now. We can do this.>>

I gripped his hand tightly as he led me back to the boys, who had been watching our exchange curiously. Brandon dropped my hand, and I looked at the boys, the one I had called 'stripes' mouth started moving, so my attention dropped to Brandon's hands.

<<Why isn't she talking? What are you doing with your hands?>>

A grin broke out on my face, and I held my hands over his, letting him know I was going to answer, and he could tell the boys what I was signing.

<<The things Im doing with my hands is sign language, and Im using it because it's the only way I can talk to you. Im not talking, because im physically incapable of speaking. OH. What is your name by the way?>>

Brandon's lips were moving to repeat what I was trying to say to the boys.  

<< cant talk OR hear me?!>> Brandon translated for the boy.  

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