Chapter 10

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When I woke up the next morning, I was sprawled out across Harry, one leg slipped between his, my head resting on his chest. His chest was rising and falling slowly and evenly, so I knew that he was still asleep. Sitting on the ground next to the couch were our two mugs that we had had Ruhr tea in, and the tv was still on, so I presume we fell asleep during the movie.

I sat up slowly, easing my way off of him, careful not to wake him. All he did though was shift over slightly in his sleep, nuzzling his face into the couch, possibly talking, I couldn't tell. It looked like his mouth may have been moving but I wasn't certain.

I snagged the mugs off of the ground, taking them into the kitchen. Harry hadn't done the dishes from last night evidently, he had just tossed them in the sink. So I dragged myself over and as carefully as I could; so to not make noise and wake him up, I rinsed the dishes and loaded them up into the dishwasher. Next, I filled up the tea kettle, setting it on the top of the oven to boil. And then I started to rummage around in the cupboards to look for something to make for breakfast.

This was odd to me, waking up in somebody else's flat and making breakfast. I mean, before the accident I would always stay over at friends' houses, but after, I never really went out anywhere. Brandon was always with me too, and I was always pretty much waited upon.

That part bothered me. Yes; I wasn't able to speak or hear, but I wasn't an invalid, and I was capable of doing most things by myself.

Eventually, I settled for making eggs, toast, and bacon, all which I found in the refrigerator or the cupboards, I popped the bread into the toaster, letting that set while the eggs sizzled in a frying pan. I was just making them sunny side up, hoping Harry would like them. Most guys liked sunny side up eggs though, I could remember a few sleepovers with Tris I had had when we were dating, I used to love waking up and messing around in the kitchen, attempting to make breakfast.

I was I'm the middle of flipping over some bacon when I felt a pair of arms slip around my waist, a face being pressed into my neck. I gasped, surprised, although I knew it was Harry.

I felt guilty, figuring I had been too loud and woke him up, but then he reached around me, and moved the kettle off the burner, and I realized that the thing that spun around to let me know it was done was spinning, so that meant he had heard the shrill whistle.

Instead of kicking him out of the kitchen, he worked along side of me, getting two plates, cups for tea, and forks and jam and butter and whatever we would need to go along with breakfast. While he did that, I scooped the bacon and eggs onto a plate, carrying them to the table. Harry had gotten the toast out of the toaster, and poured the water for tea into the cups as I was finishing up with the cooking of breakfast.

I still felt bad for waking him up, but it was nice to have him helping me.

We moved comfortable around each other in the kitchen, not awkwardly standing around, it was nice. Things were the same way with Brandon.

My lips pursed as I thought of Brandon, he would be worried about me. I still couldn't bear the thought of him leaving me. It didn't seem right. He had been with me through all of this. And I just needed him now.

Don't get me wrong, I was so proud of him to get a job in the United States! But I was being selfish, and wanted to come up with some reason on why he had to stay with me.

As I carried the food to the table, Harry pulled my chair out for me. Quite the gentleman.

I was sitting at the end of the table, and Harry sat at the first seat to my left. It was oddly intimate, sitting in this cosy little kitchen with him. I found it slightly odd.

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