Tears rolled down my cheeks. I did my best to stand up, but then a man appeared. It was Jimin.

"Dianne! What happened to you?!" He asked worried and was about to carry me before he saw the blood stains on my shirt. He didn't dare touch me, instead he caressed my cheek.

"WHAT'S ALL THE COMMOTION?!" Jungkook yelled just coming out from the room.

"Jungkook what the hell happened here?" Jimin asked cluelessly.

Jungkook looked over to me glaring at me 

'Dont say a word.' He mouthed and gave Jimin a worried expression

"I-I dont know hyung, I-I didnt see her last night." He said and walked over to me and looked at my bruises.

"I heard a clatter last night but i was too tired to stand up, i didnt think she fell that hard." He said and looked at me worried

"I'm sorry baby....i didnt know." He whispered. I secretly looked away and looked at Jimin

"Next time care more for your wife." Jimin glared at him and slowly lifted me up before Jungkook stopped him

"I'll carry her hyung." He said and lifted me up carefully. He brought me to the car and layed my head on his lap and Jimin went to the front seat to drive.

"What happened Dianne?" Jimin asked.

"She tripped and then the vase shattered." Jungkook said before i did

"I thought you were asleep while it was happening, how do you know what happened?" Jimin asked him emphasizing every word.

"J-Just a guess..." Jungkook stuttered and ran his hands through my hair. I closed my eyes shut in fear and hid my face using my small lean arms.

"Dianne tell me what happened." Jimin said, looking at me from the mirror.

"I-I...." i didnt know what to say, my mind went blank, when i felt a slight painful tug on my hair, i looked up to see Jungkook secretly glaring at me. I bit my lip not making a sound although it was painful

"J-Jungkook was correct, I-I tripped." I said and looked down "I tripped over Jungkook's shoe and then my face hit the table causing the vase to fall on the floor and then the small g-glass pieces w-went inside my skin." I stuttered. Jungkook's painful grip on my hair loosened then he started to play with my hair softly. 'Lovingly'. 

'If only it was real.' I thought to myself and closed my eyes not hearing a response from Jimin.

I fell asleep when i felt my body leaving the soft seats of the car, i gasped softly and stared at myself getting carried away from the car.

"Shhh...I'm holding you, nothing bad will happen, its okay." I looked up and saw Jungkook. A shiver ran down my spine, i feared him. I looked over to the side and saw Jimin. 'Thats why he was saying those word two seconds ago.' I thought to myself and leaned back

"I-I can walk..." i whispered and tried to get out of his grasp

"No." He said and held me tighter

"I-I really can."

"Dianne, Jungkook is correct, you're still too weak to walk."

"I just fell Jimin, it's nothing." I shook my head 

"its not a big deal, why make a big deal out of it."

Jimin scoffed "Yeah, you fell and ended up bruising almost your whole body with small shattered glass pieces in your arm." He said calmly and shook his head.

I looked to the side away from Jungkook and as soon as we reached the nurse, it seemed like i jumped off from his arm which cause him to smirk lightly.

They treated my wounds, and gave me some medicine saying that i needed sleep and other things.

They confined me in the hospital saying that i needed to stay here to make sure i was sleeping well.

A/N : Hallelujah! I finally updated after 4 days! I hope you liked this chapter!!! ♡♡♡

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