Chapter 46

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I took the letter back and looked over again. They are right. AII the answers I wanted are there. There is only one thing left to do. I ran my hand throw my hair. I then left the room. I left my friends standing there confused. But I know what I am doing.

*Musa's POV*

I haven't seen Riven in while. I don't blame him for his choose. I have been keeping myself busy to keep it off my mind. I have this big event at the Winx Compound for my bands. I am going to try to get a few of them signed. Then there is ball thing Alfea is through for the annual anniversary of the schools being allies.

"You are one busy girl lately." Stella commented to me.

"Yeah, I have. But you know what. I don't mind it. I actually like it." I told her.

"So, being busy doesn't have to do with you trying to keep your mind off something?" Tecna asked me.

I looked at them. They know me to well. I then said,

"Yes. I need to keep my mind off it or I might go crazy because of the what ifs."

"We don't blame you for it. But just make sure you not too busy for friends and everything." Bloom said.

"I won't. I promise." I told them. He made his choose and I am making me chooses.

*Riven's POV*

I have not got to see Musa at all. School has been keeping me busy. Every time I try to go see her something comes up. Also, she has been busy herself. She has been planning his event thing at the compound for the bands. She is trying to get a few of them signed.

"So, Riven when are you going to talk to Musa?" Brandon asked me.

"I have no idea. I don't want to this over the phone or anything. But I have had time to speak with her. She has been busy with the bands and helping at Alfea. So, I never get to see her." I told them.

"Riven, you really truthfully wanted to talk to her. You should make time. There is never not enough time." Nex told me.

"Hey stupid. Don't you think I already know that? But every time I get a chance something comes up. So, I don't know." I told them.

"Why don't you talk to her at that ball Alfea is throwing. It might be your only time." Sky told me.

"Yeah. I know. Maybe. But I wish I could talk to her sooner." I told them.

"If you want to talk to her. I am heading over to Alfea to help Tecna with a software problem for their computers. Maybe you can see her then." Timmy suggested to me.

"Timmy, you are a genius." I told him.

"I know. So, you coming or not? Because I am leaving right now." He told me.

He didn't need to give me a second chance to make my mind up. I was already at the door when he finished that sentence. If I don't get to talk to her now. That ball will probably be my only chance because I don't know when I will get another chance.

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