Chapter 41

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She wants him to find out the truth. Also, he wants to know the truth. It is time for our friend Riven to find out who she is. We have a plan. Icy, Storm, and I are to help him. Help them both. Let's help our good friend out and tell him.

*Musa's POV*

I have been a while since that day. Today Alfea, Red fountain, and Cloud Tower is all hanging out at one place. Something about us all trying to get along and know each other better. But truly in my gut tells me something is not right.

I meet up with the other girls outside of Alfea. We were holding it here at Alfea. We have the most open ground. So, they all agreed here. I walked with the girls. Then all our phones buzzed. We all looked at each other. We opened them and read,

Be at the Alfea stage for a big announcement. Don't want to miss it. A huge surprise will be revealed.

We looked at each other. I don't know. I don't get a good feeling about this. Then Stella said,

"Why not. Let's go."

"I don't know. I don't get a good feeling about this." I told them.

"Oh come on Musa. It will be fun. Where is the harm in it?" Stella said.

"If there is one sign bad we can bail for it. How does that sound?" Layla asked me.

"Okay. Deal." I said. We then headed to the stage.

*Riven's POV*

We were at Alfea for this get along thing between the three schools. We were looking for the girls. We still couldn't find them. But then we were stopped by a lower classman. He handed me a note and then ran for it. Literally ran for it.

"Okay, that was new." Brandon said.

"Yeah. What's that?" Timmy asked.

I then opened it and read,

I know who your mystery Cinderella is. If you want to know. She will meet you at the Alfea stage.

"Let's go then. Why not?" Sky suggested.

"This is your chance Riven." Helia said.

"Let's go." I said. We then headed to the stage.

*Musa's POV*

When we got the stage I was looking around. I was trying to find one person. One currant person. I was looking for Riven. I then spotted him across the area. I need to talk to soon. Before anything bad happens. Just then the lights in the Pit went out. What the hell was going on. When they got back on we saw Darcy in front of us all.

"Hello, my fellow students and friends. So, I bet you all are wondering what you are doing here." Darcy said.

Everyone was yelling at her. No one really likes Darcy. She was one of the most hated people here besides Icey and Stormy. Everyone was leaving. If we all know if was her. No one would have showed up. Darcy then yelled,

"What no one wants to know the truth our lovely mystery Cinderella?"

Everyone turned and looked at him. I was now scared. She knows everything. She is going to tell. Riven then spoke up for everyone but mainly for himself. He then asked,

"What do you know about that?"

"A lot. More than you know. Don't you want to know about your mystery Cinderella Riven?" Darcy told Riven.

"Oh, come on Riven. Whatever comes out of this fools' mouth is probably a lie. She probably knows nothing." Sky said to him.

But no one moved. Mostly Riven. He was planted where he was standing. He then looked at Darcy with a straight face and said,

"If one lie comes out of your mouth. You will regret it."

"Trust me Riven. All that comes out of my mouth will be truth. It will be worth your time." Darcy said with an evil smirk on her face.

That was what I was afraid of. She was going to get my secret. She was going to tell everyone who I am. I really didn't want him to find out this away. I looked over to the girls scared.

"Go." Layla whispered to me. I nodded in reply. I then started to weave throw the crowd away from everything. But I wasn't quick enough before I heard the words I didn't want to hear.

*Riven's POV*

"What are you doing? Why are you listening to him?" Timmy asked me.

"I need to know. Maybe she has something that can help us." I said.

"Okay. But if she is lying. I am so rub it in your face. Just letting you know." Timmy told me. I just ignored him after that. He is my one of best friend. My brother. But he can be so annoying sometimes. I am happy he is still here to support me. No matter what.

I stood there waiting to see what Darcy had to say. But from the corner of my eye. I saw Musa leaving. What was up with that? I thought she wanted to know who my mystery Cinderella was. Mostly when she was the help I got mostly. Except for the guys help.

"Riven, your mystery Cinderella is our music fairy, Musa."

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