It's Here

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The sequel to Islands is here!

The first chapter to Worlds Apart has been published!

I am SO excited for you guys to read it!

I am not excites about the hate comments that I will be getting when you guys read what happens in the book. It was SO hard to write these first 20 chapters, I was crying when I wrote some of these chapters. So I am warning you, I am a shitty person and basically shattered some hopes and dreams. However, I have planned out the lives of these characters so it is just so hard to think of it another way. Plus I have decided to end the book differently because if I went with the way I was thinking of, someone would probably report my book for cruel and unusual punishment if thats even possible.

If the suquel goes as planned, I might end of going against what I had said earlier and just make this a Saga. 4 books. Maybe. Emphasis on the maybe.

So go on, read Worlds Apart, comment, vote, follow and please don't get too comfortable, this book is a rollercoaster of emotions.

Lots of love

-Annelie Leddy

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