34. The Island of Aches and Pains

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Mads and I made our way back to the others who gathered around the yard beside the stone deck.
I was walking behind Mads lost in thought as flashes of what would happen to night preoccupied my mind. Suddenly I was stopped, Mads's hand extended around me as I began to walk up beside him. Like a parent pushing their arm out to protect a child, except his protectiveness wasn't maternal.
His arm extended over my chest gripping my shoulder as he pushed me behind him. I was confused up until I saw Josh sprint from the shed, holding a bat.
My face was pushed against Mads's back as he clutch me close behind him as Josh sprinted by.
Mads let out a sigh as Josh went to Will, who held a baseball glove.
Mads let me go and allowed me to walk beside him again.

"You need to calm down. He wouldn't hurt me...not in public," I whisper.

His fists clench, his knuckles turning white as he controls his anger.
We walked up the stone steps. Kristi greets us and claps her hands together like she always does when she is about to tell someone what to do. Mads smiles when she does this, seeing the her excitement.

"We are gonna play baseball, well, Will and some of the other guys are gonna play. Uncle, you should go play too," She suggests.

Mads shake his head with a laugh.
"Oh no! I'm to old for that," He chuckles.

"No your not! Just go toss the ball around, swing the bat," She pleads.
He lifts his head to look at the sky, then let lets out a frustrated groan.
"Alright, fine, one game," He caves.

I smile as he turns and descends the stairs.
I walk to the stone edge and lean over and view Mads gather with the rest of them.
"Want some spiked lemonade?" Kristi asks. I shake my head.
"No thanks..." I let out a subtle yawn and lean down to rest on the edge of the thick stone slab that blocks the edge of the deck.

"You look exhausted. Everything alright?" She asks.

"Yea, just a very tiresome day..."

"Camping is going to be hell for you then," Kristi jokes.

"Says the girl who can't keep up during our runs," I laugh. She smiles and shakes her head.

We watch the men get into positions. Mads is about to pitch but stop.
"Make sure you hit so the ball goes out towards the woods! I don't anyone getting hurt," He calls put to Will who is batting.

"I know! I don't wanna give my future wife a black eye," He calls back.

Mads pitches and the ball goes strait passed Will when he swings.
Vincent who is reffing the game yells out "strike one!"
Mads is tossed the ball and he pitches again, Will misses.

"He used to play baseball in high school. My grandfather, his dad, wanted to 'Americanize' him," Kristi says.

"He is good at pitching," I say nonchalantly.

"Yea, he's the most athletic person I know. Even as he gets older, he still attempts to be better," She says laughing.


"Stronger, faster. I call it superhero training because the superhero complex the Struhst men have," she says laughing again.

Will is out and he complains but compliments Mads on his arm. Josh yells and says he wants to have take a shot at Mads's "good arm."

I bite my lip as Josh is given the bat but I know he won't try anything.
Mads grins as Josh steps to the plate, probably thinking about beating his ass to a pulp.

"Remember, out, that way," Mads reminds him pointing towards the opposite side of the Inn.

"Yea, yea, old man, I'm not stupid," Josh taunts.

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