22. The Island of Crazy

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The sounds of glasses clinging, the sounds of laughter, these were the sounds of Fireside, a seafood restaurant by the docks on the eastern part of the island. It was beautiful, with glass windows and hardwood floors and candle lit tables. But no amount of mood lighting, beautiful views, sounds of laughter, or even enough alcohol, could save me from what happened that night.

I was sitting across from Will and Kristi, sitting next to Josh. I was nervous, trying to explain that I was not interested in dating anyone at the moment. To be polite in front of Kristi and Will, I apologized for the confusion to Josh, but he dismissed it and said that it was just a miscommunication problem and not to worry.

I had had one glass of wine, no, half of a glass of wine. I wasn't hungry because the smell of seafood and burning meat made me want to vomit.

My mind kept wondering to Mads wanting to hear his voice, to feel him, and kiss him. But here I was.
The outburst of laughter from the table behind us made me jolt, turning my hair back over my shoulder. Shit! The hickeys.
I immediately fixed my hair to cover my neck and turned back to Kristi who gushed over the events for our next trip. 

"So the day we get back, we are having dinner with my family at the Inn. Thankfully, my uncle said guests ahead of time that during those two weeks the Inn is booked. So no guests will bother us during our stay!" She clapped her hands in excitement. 

Will just chuckled at her excitement. His cheeks turned red. 

"The next day we will go boating, just like we did two weeks ago, Allison," she explains.

"Then that night we will have a cocktail party, close family friends and family will be there. The next day, we'll hike. The fourth day we'll begin camping, that will last until the sixth day when we all get to relax and then the seventh we"ll barbecue, then on the eighth we'll-" She is stopped by Josh. 

"Alright, just print the damn schedule, my head hurts," he says.
We all laugh.
I feel a sense of guilt climb over me. After being on the mainland for three weeks, we'll return to the island for two weeks for the wedding and all its festivities. That means five weeks before Mads and I have to stop everything permanently. 

"Excuse me," I say abruptly. I stand up and walk around until I find the bathroom. I peer under the stalls and find no one here. I let out a sigh and turn on the faucet.

I wanted Mads. I wanted everything about him and I wanted him to be mine. I felt the sadness and irritation creep into my skin. I wanted him to be mine. God! I'm going insane.
I tun my hands under the water and splash my face. Turning to the paper towel dispenser to pat my face dry.
I look up from the paper towel and look in the mirror.
I gasp as I turn around. He is not smiling like normal. His eyes flare with anger, his lips pressed together to control it. 

"Josh! What are yo-" 

He grabs my wrists with all of his strength tightening around them. Pain sores through my wrist as he brings my hands to his chest, pulling me close to him. Our noses touch but he doesn't attempt to kiss me.

"What the fuck are those things on your neck!" I've never heard his voice sound like this.

"Wha...what?" I breath out.
Fear moves through my body as I begin to tremble at his anger.

"Are those fucking hickeys on your neck!" When he says this he shakes me violently. My hair falls around my face.

He doesn't say a word. He continues to stare into my eyes with a malicious look.

"Please let go of me." I say begging innocently.
He chuckled then clenches his jaw. 

"Josh...let go." But when I say this, he stops laughing. I push him away and he lets go.

I begin to walk to the door but the worst is yet to come.
I suddenly feel Josh's hands grasp my neck, pushing me against a wall. My head whiplashes and smacks against the tile. Pain soars through my throat and my head.

"Listen...listen." he whispers. His lips graze my cheek as he applies pressure to my throat.

I'm going to die. He's going to kill me.

"I. Don't. Share." He says through his teeth.  He pushes me up slightly, I feel myself lose the ability to breath easy as he seizes my throat. 

"I already fucking claimed you! I told those god-damn twins that you were mine," he explains.
Pressure builds on my neck as I begin to gasp for air. He is choking me now.

"Right? You're mine."
I don't do anything. Not a nod. Not a word.

I can't breathe, his hands apply more pressure, I squirm as he stares into my eyes. I feel my feet swing, he pushes me up the wall off the ground.

This is how I die.

But suddenly he lets go. My body slams on the tile floor. I gasp for air, crumbling. I look up at the devil before me. He adjusts his suits sleeves as well as his tie.

"Make yourself presentable," he says turning to the door. With these words he leaves me. Feeling my throat as it begins to feel sore from his clutch. My throat burns as oxygen enters my body.

Why do I attract all the crazy men?


I hope you guys enjoyed.

What do you think? Theres a lot thats happening in Allison's life and I'd love to hear what you think about her.

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Lots of love

-Annelie Leddy

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