10. The Island of Water

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   The pontoon was white, with its upper deck encompassed with cushioned seats. In order to get to this upper deck however, one must climb up a ladder.

Kristi swung her beach bag on the top and smiled as she climbed up. The sound of the boat starting got my attention to switch from Kristi to Mads.

I walked slowly to the ladder, looking down at my knee. Once I gripped a rung of the ladder Mads's voice called out instinctively.
"Allison..." He was calm.
Walking to me with the eyes of a predator approaching its prey. I swallowed hard. Glancing up at Kristi who was too busy staring at her phone as she took Instagram shots on her phone. Mads leaned down to my ear, whispering softly so that Kristi couldn't hear him.

"If you even try to get up that ladder, I will take you over my knee, right now," His threat sent a warm sensation through my body, I was enjoying it. The threat was bittersweet. Some part of me kind of wanted it but the other part felt like I was just taking his threat as a means of pleasure.

He walked away with a grin on his face. That man was insatiable. His entire being was a tease. A part of me feels like drowning in my embarrassment, knowing he probably doesn't fine me pleasing.
I swallow my thoughts, wanting nothing more than to walk up this ladder, away from him. I toss my bag to Kristi and hurriedly climb the ladder. When I stand beside Kristi at the top, I look down to see Mads bite his lip in pure anger.

I sat on the cushion, enjoying being away from the man.
Kristi leaned over the edge and called to her uncle.

"Did you fix the Titanic?" She asked him. I was completely confused.
His deep voice called up to her.

"No, it needs a few more things before it will run. But its over there in the shed," he points on the lakes water to a large shed where some boats were being stored.

"My uncle bought that boat to fix it up and give to me...gosh...ten years ago," Kristi explains. It was a beautiful boat. It was large and had a door leading below deck.

Kristi walks back to the seat beside me. I lean back taking in the sun, but just as I am closing my eyes in peace, I hear a voice call out form the dock. I stand and look over the edge to find Reed and Christopher walking onto the boat with cases of beer in hand.

"Let's start this party!" Reed shouts. I smile, the twins were obviously in favor of me, their comments last night were clear of that, and knowing that made me sense that it would be easy to tease Mads by playing with them. The devilish girl within me smiled, but the smart and independent woman within me scolded me. 

In a sweet and innocently flirtatious voice, the voice I had only used a few times in my life, mostly in college and once in high school. This voice, my best friend said, was the voice of a siren calling men to their inevitable doom. My best friend, Laney, deemed it sexy, desirable, and haunting. I called out in this voice to the twins, "Did you two bring any for me?" With the voice echoing out, Reed looks up at me and nearly drops the case in his hand. 

"Oh shit! You didn't tell us she was gonna be here!" Reed yelled at Mads. Christopher moved passed a stunned Reed and placed the case near the ladder. He looked up at me with a wink, I smiled at him. Reed put the case down next to the other, but he was more nervous than his brother.

"Y-y-you can have anything you want," He says with a smile, trying not to act nervous.

 I could tell, I had these two wrapped around my finger. Mads followed the twins onto the dock. Reed however, halts in his tracks, Mads waits impatiently behind him. Reed looks up at me as smiles.

"Please lord, tell me that you are going swimming, and that your wearing a two piece." He calls out.

With those words, Mads angrily shoves Reed over the dock and into the water. I gasp and look down as the water to see Reed come up and gasp for air. I look at Mads who just grinds his teeth and walks down the dock without another thought. 

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