20. The Island of Harm

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     Maggie Clements. That was the girl from two summers ago. I had googled her of course. Many Maggie Clements on Facebook and only two from the mainland. One had strawberry blonde hair years ago but according to Facebook pictures, she had dyed it brown. I friend requested her with a message saying; "I have questions about Struhst Island, two summers ago..."

The girl from last summer was Conny Klippert. She had a Facebook page as well but it seemed like she hadn't updated it in over a year.
Google had more information about numerous Conny Klippert's but no page brought up any information on the girl I was looking for.

I needed to know more. But google couldn't give me information on an event that "never happened."

My constant searching on the internet lasted hours. Constantly going through posts of social media.
I wonder if I can put social media stalker on my resume?

I had given up at around 7 am and had laid down on my bed, resting away the worries and fear and questions and I drifted to sleep.

I awoke to the sound of a knock at my door. I sat up with fear, but was able to quickly come down from the overwhelming feeling.

I stood up and grabbed my black silk robe from the edge of my bed. I threw it on before cracking the door open to peer who had knocked.

The chiseled, muscular, very tall man stood before me. His fingers pushed open the door some more to look at me. I was wearing very short pajama shorts and a very loose tank top, with my robe over it, it  looked as though I wore nothing beneath it. Mads bit his lip as he lowered his gaze down my body. I swallow hard as he maneuvers towards me with devilish intent. With a single word he is in my room, closing the door behind him.

"Please tell me there is nothing beneath that robe..." his voice sounds very painful. Is he in pain?
I shook my head. He clenched his jaw.

"You weren't at breakfast," he moves towards me with a very seductive look in his eyes.

"I didn't...I didn't actually fall...fall asleep until 7 this morning."
He was so close to me. Our noses touched, our lips so very close.

"You couldn't sleep?" I nod slightly, but not at his question, more towards his advancements of ecstasy.
I was loosing the feeling in my knees. His hands roamed up my back. God! This man can make any woman instantly want sex.
I shudder as he pulls me to him. My hands on his chest.

"Why didn't you come get me? I could've helped..." his words send a tingle up my spine.
My breathing becomes faster as my heart races.

"I...I didn't know...where you were..." I sink into him. Our lips graze against one another's but he doesn't kiss me. When I move to kiss him he pulls back but then presses out foreheads together to continue our embrace.

"I usually fall asleep in my office. If I'm not there, I'm usually taking late night strolls around the property, by the gazebo...by the lake."
I can't register his words as I look at his lips.
Late night strolls.
By the lake.

I move my eyes to look up at his.
"Mads-" before continue he shushes me.

"What did I do?" He asks.
I shake my head but I can barely do so as to not break our embrace.


"Then why were you with him? He could have hurt you...you have no idea what he could have done. Even if you had just a few scratches or a few bruises, I don't know what i'd do." He says these words though his teeth sounding like he is in pain.

"He didn't-"

"Allison, I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you. I'd lose it. God!" He lets go of me, breaking our embrace. He is furious now. Pacing the room. Several minutes pass with silence. My heart burns as he moves around the room with an expression of pain and anger.

"I don't think this was a good idea."
His words burn like fire. I don't say anything.

"Its been what? Almost four fucking weeks...every single god damn second over the past four weeks, I can only do one thing and that is think of you." He says through his teeth again.
I don't feel like crying, which is odd, don't most girls feel that way.

"I've wanted you so fucking bad that my actual body hurts! And now...I think I'm...I don't think we should move...move forward." He says putting a hand over his face.

I nod. I try to be reasonable. Sure, my heart is aching, my thighs burn, my lips feel bare, my head hurts, but I needed to be...stronger than my feeling for him, which seems impossible. I take a deep breath.

"If that's what you want," I say understandingly.

He looks at me with shock.

"No...its not what I want. God damn it! Allison, what I want is to feel every part of you, and love you, and not have to feel guilty about it."

"I wish it were that easy," I say nearly choking on my words.

"So...we just...we just act like this never...this never happened," My own words hurt me. The pain burns through me.

"I won't forget, but to act like it, that's something that will hurt me for the rest of my life. You are so frustrating, so beautiful, so stupid yet so fucking smart. I can't even begin to describe how I feel about you."
I shake my head.

"The feeling is very mutual." I sit on the edge of my bed.

"I wish we met before...before they did."

I laugh.
"That would be four years ago. I'd be seventeen."

He groans. "Fuck..." he sounds disgusted of himself for being so much older.

I stand up and walk to him.

"I'm sorry." Is all I can muster.

"Don't ever be sorry, elsker."

My heart sinks. Turning to the door and stepping out. My heart leap into a pit of fire when he closes the door.

Why does it hurt so bad?


Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Thank you for reading!

Lots of love

-Annelie Leddy

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