28. The Island Where Maggie Clements Was Hurt

14.7K 377 6

August 12th, 2014.

Doctor Harlem, Gregory J.

Vicinity Hope Hospital.

Patient: Clements, Margaret Rue

Patient has multiple lacerations on both legs, bruises on her wrists, as well as an abrasion on the skull. 

Patient was covered in mud, and seemed to be in a state of severe shock. 

Sheriff Robert Struhst was called to investigate. 

4 sutures to close abrasion on the skull, antiseptic was applied. Symptoms of a mild concussion are seen.

Patient was given 0.25mg of Clonazepam to treat shock. 

After taking an xray, we found that patient has a small fracture in wrist. 

One laceration on the right femur needed 3 sutures, antiseptic was applied. 

Considering the patience state, Dr. Harlem recommended a rape kit, however the patient refused. 

Patient was held for 24 hours to watch for unknown, internal injuries. 

Patient was released after 24 hours. 

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