38. The Island of Pain Part I.

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    Our day of relaxation was spent in the library. Mads told Kristi he had work to finish up before our camping trip and while he was talking to Kristi, I mentioned my need for a quiet space to work on my lesson plans, to which Mads offered the library.
It was casual to Kristi and she bought the story.

Mads and I, of course, did not work. Instead, we laid on the nook, wrapped in each others arms and talked. Every other hour we'd indulge in some sexual activity, whether full blown intercourse or just touching. We relaxed, talked, drank, slept, kissed, loved and laughed all day long and it was pure heaven.

By the end of the night we were forced to come out of hiding and had dinner with our family. He sat next to Angela to warn off suspicion and I sat between the twins as they still felt the need to take Mads's orders and babysit me.

I told Mads I needed rest for the night since our day and night had been full of sexual escapades causing me to be completely sore. I went to my room and double checked my hiking pack to make sure it was ready for tomorrows trip.

First aid kit, sleeping bag, clothes, water, food, emergency supplies, rope, waterproof matches, a lighter, a map, a compass, a hunting knife, a pair of cloves, a jacket, a flashlight, extra batteries. All was set.
I made sure to set out my clothes for tomorrow, a grey Henley, a pair of thick athletic leggings, and a pair of brown hiking boots.

I slept soundly though the night, not having a single mishap of waking up from a nightmare. I took a shower, got dressed and headed down stairs. I ate breakfast with the twins. They were very keen on making sure I survived the trip in good health.

I grabbed my hiking bag from my room and retreated down stairs and placed my pack with the rest of the others. Only a few people wanted to hike. Will, Josh, my uncle Hugh, Will's college roommate (Mark) and his wife (Libby), Will's partner (Stue) and his wife (Martha), Kristi, the twins, Troy, Kristi's friend from college (Becca), Mads, Robert, and Vincent. We were a group of 16, all ready to hike up the huge mountain and into the woods.
Mads says the streams are gorgeous at the top because you can see them disperse into the lake below.

Hiking seemed frightening, I was a girl who grew up in the city, I'd never hiked or camped a day in my life.
But even with all my nerves, I knew Mads was right there beside me.

We packed up the cars and Mads asked me to ride in his car saying we needed to talk. Kristi was driving with the twins, as was Will and Josh, so Mads and I were alone.

I buckled up and tried to relax in my seat. After a few minutes Mads climbed into the truck. He seemed tense, almost irritated.

"Everything alright?" I ask as he puts his seat belt on. He turns to me and sighs. He forces a half smile and places a hand on my cheek, running his palm to my neck calmingly.
"Now I'm good," He says with a sigh. He pulls his hand away and starts the truck.

"How long until we get there?" I ask.

"Two hours maybe. It depends on the road conditions," He explains as he pulls out of the space.

We drive for about 15-20 minutes before the car pulls into a gas station.
He parks and takes off his seat belt.

"Stay here, I'm gonna make sure Vincent's dog is put away," He says opening the door.

"He's not taking the dog...is he?" I ask nervously.

"No! I wouldn't let him. Don't worry."
He climbs out and I look around noticing that this was the same store that we had stopped by before boating. I unbuckle and get out of the car. I calmly stay by the door, hearing a few conversations here and there.

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