The Girl Who Learned To Love The Badass *Chapter Four*

Start from the beginning

I listened to what everyone had to say.

My parent's "Josh. Honey. Wake up. We miss you and need you. Please come back to us."

Krisit's "Josh. I can't believe you well I can. I mean she is pretty and you did break her heart worse than it already was but you need to wake up because now she won't wake up and I'm scared. Josh. I'm terrified. Wake up."

I looked over at Austin. "What does she mean? Why won't Alisya wake up?"

"she passed out when the doctor told her that you had a very slim chance of waking up. That was four hours ago."

I groaned. Great!

Each of the guys said something but nothing affected me as much Krisit's words. I was worried sick. She needed to wake up.

I could feel my sister's eyes on me. I looked up. She looked like she was trying to decide something.

"Why Josh?"

"Excuse me?"

"Why did you turn from my sweet older brother to this ignorant ass whole?"


Man why did I turn into such an ass?

"Because the one person who knew me and cared about me was gone. Because I didn't have a reason not to."

I couldn't look at Austin. I felt so ashamed so dirty. I broke the last promise I made to her. She came and sat next to me. I felt her arms come around me. They were soft and warm. I didn't expect that. I leaned against her.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Don't be. Just promise me you will change."

"I promise and this time I mean it."


"Josh. I love you!"

I looked up at Austin.

"That wasn't me." she said.

"Josh please wake up. I need you. We need you!"


I stood up. I had to get to her. I looked around for a door. There wasn't one. I felt along the walls. I wanted out. I wanted to get to my girl.

"Austin. How do I get out of here?"

"Where do you want to go?"

"I want to go home, I want to get to Alisya. I want to change, I want to be better."

She smiled. She closed her eyes. I saw a bright light and then a door appeared.

"Good because if you don't change, that voice you hear now. The one that says she loves you will disappear."

I walked towards her. I hugged her with everything I had.

"I love you Austin."

"I love you Josh."

"Behave yourself. Don't flirt with to many guys. If there are guys for you to flirt with. I will come up here and kick his ass."

She smiled.

"Yeah right. Jacob could kick your ass in a millisecond."

"Oh so there is someone. JACOB BE NICE TO MY LITTLE SISTER OR I WILL KICK YOUR ASS!" I yelled. I heard laughter and a boy about fifteen appeared behind Austin wrapping his arms around her. His arms were the size of my head. Maybe I won't be kicking his ass. He would kill me. Figure of speech.

"I mean it." I said pretending not to be scared. "I'll take good care of your sister. I promise."

"Good. Take care Austin. Jacob."

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