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7years later
3rd person


        Peter and Cassy run through the house trying to collect their three kids. Chris, the oldest son, was now seven and in school. Heading to school, Ella, their four year old daughter, was hiding due to the fact she didn't want to get out of her PJ's. Then there was Sam, the youngest of the Pan's. The baby boy of nine months and throwing a fit because he was hungry.

     "Chris is in the car," Cassy says to Peter," I'll grab Sam you go get Ella. Ready...set...Go!"

"Got her," Peter said after finding his little angel

"Got him," Cassy says after picking up Sam and grabbing his bottle.

    "When did our life get this crazy," Peter asks buckling in the youngsters.

"When I agreed to go to Neverland with you,"  Cassy smiles

"Sure," Peter replies laughing

    Life was great for the couple and their kids. And they wouldn't want it any other way.

   That's it. I'm done. I've been out of the OUAT stage for a bit and moved back to marvel. Hopefully I can write a good P. Parker story. Well. Thank you all who have read this story.

  I love you all! 💕

Have a good life

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