15) she did love me

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Cassy's pov

Today peter comes home. Well. To Emma's, Hook, and Henry's house.

  They've been so kind to let me and now peter stay there.

I'm thinking about my stuff when I see peter getting his IV out.

"You ready. I already signed you out," I say and grab his bag.

  "Yep," he says and gets up

Emma picks us up outside and we drive to her house. We're quite the whole why we except for Peter coughing once in a while. 

"Alright Cassidy, you know where your clothes are along with your room. Peter, yours is across from Henry's and next to Cassidy's. Cassidy will show you were your clothes are," Emma says opening the door to the house.

"Okay," peter replies.

   "Oh and umm. Peter can I talk to you guys in the kitchen,"


"Alright umm. Cassy your parents. There in the forest. Gold said he turned them into trees for breaking a deal. And that's why you grew up in a fake home.  Peter. Your dad is here," Emma says

  Peter stiffens and quickly says, "I don't want to go to him. Please don't make me."

  "Why. What's wrong. Don't you want-,"

"No. Don't make me. Please. He wasn't a father to me," he says.

   I look at him and see his chest rising falling quickly along with a few tears in his eyes.

  "Hey it's okay," I say and hug him, "you don't have to go to him. You don't have to. Okay."

  "Yeah," he says

   "Then there's a woman. Her name is Alena. She says she is looking for her son and his name is peter. And. Her last name is pan. Would you like to meet her," Emma says and I feel peter tense up.

   He releases my hug and says," my mother ran away. Abandoned me a few days after birth. She doesn't care about me. Why would I wanna meet her?"

"Peter. This is her letter to you," Emma says and hands Peter the letter. He cautiously opens it and starts reading.

Peter's pov

Dear Peter,

By now your grown to be a teenager. Maybe even older. I bet your just as handsome as you were when you were born. I bet you hate me for everything. For leaving you. For never seeing you. For never speaking to you. For making you grow up without a mother. But I love you. And that's why I had to leave. I was threatened by your father. He lost a deal to the Dark One. And his price was you. He said he would get you when you were eight to eleven.
I told him I wouldn't allow it. And he said if I didn't leave him and you he'd kill you in the spot. Right in front of me. I couldn't let you die.  So I left. And you probably hate me for it. But just remember. Your my peter. And I love you.

                                  Love- your mom


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