29) take out food and virgin drinks? Wedding and more...?

43 1 0

Ignore the pink. Its now blue *wink wink*

  Cassy's pov

Peter hands me our son and I smile.

"Hi there. I'm your mommy," I say

Peter smiles and then sighs. He slowly gets down on one knee and I look at him weirdly.

"I know this isn't really the right time but...will you marry me," he asks and my mouth flys open

"I-I. Wow," I mumble

"I know. And I mean," he starts and sighs. I was gonna wait for tonight and I was gonna take you out but. Our son had different plans. Its alright if your not ready. I'll wait."

I laugh, "you idiot. Of course I'll marry you. I was just shocked. I mean. Who else do you know who literally gave birth and then three minutes later is asked to me married."

He chuckles and shrugs before lipping the ring on my finger.

"You know. I knew from the moment I let you go. I was gonna get you back. And I was gonna keep you forever," he says

"That sounded like you want to own me," I joke

"Well you already know. You are mine,"

"Yes. And you shall be mine. Forever," I smile

After everybody met Christopher, peter went into the hallway with his phone.

Finally he comes back smiling.

"What's the he smile for," I ask

"I just got our dinner to be delivered here along with three virgin strawberry daiquiris.

"Oh baby. I love you so much," I say and kiss him.

"So," he smirks, "when do you wanna get married?"

Five months later

"Through sickness and in health. Through rich and through poor. Till death do us part," Peter says with tears in his eyes

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. Peter you-,".

Peter cuts Felix off by kissing me.

Everyone laughs and Felix rolls his eyes.

After our party I take Chris to the bathroom so I can breast feed. Halfway through the process peter calls asking where Chris was and if we got kidnaped.

When Chris finished, I burped him and bring him back out.

  On our way home peter says, "I was talking to hook and umm...how would you like to go to Neverland for our honeymoon."

"Id love too. But we have Chris," I say

"Hook and Emma said they wound take him," he says smiling

"Okay fine,"

Three days later
(In Peter's old treehouse)

I sit at Peter's old desk and smile. It feels like yesterday I was in here.

"It's weird. Being back here. Its like we never left," Peter says leaning against the door.

"Yeah. Remember when we'd get into small arguments here. And I'd win,"

"I'd let you win,"

"Sure you did," I say

"I'm so glad I get to spend the rest of my life with you Cassy. And our son," Peter's says smiling and hugging me from behind

"I couldn't agree more," I say and kiss him

Breaking the Broken (OUAT)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora