18) 1st Betrayal

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2days later
Cassy's pov

   I'm sitting in the hospital bed and playing with the sheets when Phillip comes in.

"Hey baby," he says coming to my side, "how you doing?"

   "Better ," I reply, "some weird people were in here today."my head still hurts though."

"Well that's because you had surgery,"

"Oh," I say

Phil sits on the bed and stokes my cheek before planting a kiss on my lips .

"I love you," he says

"I love you too," I say and he smirks, "what?"

"Oh nothing dear. Its nothing," he says and kisses me again before getting up

Peter's pov

  Felix and I met up for breakfast at granny's and now we're on the way to the hospital. Cassy got out of surgery a few days ago but I've been too scared to go see her. That's why Felix is with me.

    We enter the hospital and Felix walks towards the candy machine and tells me to go in without him and that he would be in in a minute.

     I walk down the hall, scared as hell, and make it to her door. I see it's open so I peek inside. I see Philip kiss her and I almost fell to the floor.

"I love you," he says

"I love you too," Cassy replies and I feel my heart break.

Now I know how she felt when I talked about Wendy. I guess I deserve it.

I turn my attention back to them and I see them kiss again. I feel betrayed. But it's not her fault. Its mine. Because I was too much of my 'ego fake asshole' and I didn't see she needed me.

   I step back from the door and hear Phillip come out. He sees me and smirks.

  "How does it feel Pan. Knowing you don't have anyone to love you anymore," he asks before laughing and walking away.

   I grip my hands in fists and growl.

"How would it feel if I shoved your ego up your ass," I mumble and walk in the other direction.

Phillips pov

   I smirk and grab my phone from my pocket. I dial her number.

"Hello," she asks

"Hey this is Phil. Your bosses second hand," I reply

"Okay...what is it,"

"Its pan. He's at the hospital everyday from 8am to 10 pm and leaves twice in between to get food," I say and hear her chuckle

"Great. When do I...do it." She asks

"Anytime," I say and shut the phone, "anytime."

  I look both ways before turning towards the back door and leaving.

Yeah. I know his is a short chapter but I like where it got left off. So I'm gonna be updating again in a bit.

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