2) Life isn't in my favor

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(One year later)
Cassidy's pov

It's been a year today that Ella and Nick betrayed me. About six months ago Ella announced she was pregnant and Nick left her. She came to me. Cried. Begged for me to forgive her and show love.

But how could I show love if I've never had it. About three days ago her and Nick worked things out and now their engaged. At seventeen. Really stupid but whatever.


I hear the bell go off and I grab my bag. Time for lunch...alone. I don't have friends or a boyfriend. I have my walls and a locked gate. I'm bullied and beaten. My adoptive mother left with her three sons after my adoptive father started drinking about eight months ago.

She left me. Of course she did. She never loved me. No one has. No one does. And no one will.

As I exit the class room and into the hall I hear, " hey freak!"

I look up and see Jake, my old best friend, and his girlfriend Malinda. He shoves me into the Locker and punches me.

I grunt and fall to the floor. Malinda then starts kicking me. After about ten minuets of 'Beat Up Cassie' the dumb couple walls off.

I grab the bar on the wall and slowly lift myself into a standing position.

I don't know why I don't fight back. I've never understood why I haven't. I can. I could make them two bleed, along with the rest of the school who bullies me.

But I don't. Cause I'm scared. Scared of what my real parents would think if they met me.

I limp my way outside with my lunch and sit under the stairs.

I sigh and start pulling out my food. I pick it apart and throw it to the little squirrels and rabbits I've made friends with.

Yep that's right. I don't eat until dinner. One meal a day. Sometimes I don't even get that. The reason I'm not eating my lunch is because its moldy bread and rotten jelly and a brown, mushy banana.

My dinner is just a scoop of old stale oatmeal, if I don't make my 'father' mad.

Also I'm supposedly fat. So I'm loosing weight. Always have been.

My animals like the food though. So I feed them till the bell rings.

Soon, too soon, the bell rings and I start limping to class.

" Hey Fat Slut! What you doing? Huh? Looking for a new animal to sleep with," Sadie, another one of my old buddies, sasses while she stands in front of her...squad.

I roll my eyes and walk away. It doesn't hurt anymore. At first I'd cry and hide. But now I just let it happen. Its a daily routine. A bad one.

As the last bell rings I sigh. Time to go home to drunky. I slowly walk into the woods behind the school and head home.

I find the small house in the middle of the woods near the river. Its a broken down farm house with no water, electricity or heat/cold.

Drunky doesn't work or pay bills. I use to work. That was until the waitress I worked with asked about the bruise on my arm. I lied and said I fell and then quit.

I slowly enter the door and slip inside. Good he's not home yet. I go down to the river and sit under the willow. I sigh and breath in the fresh air. I relax against the rough, mossy bark and close my eyes.

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