23) please don't leave me

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Cassy's pov
Three weeks later

     I  wake up and roll around in bed for the twelfth time this week. Emma thinks I'm sick, because I threw up yesterday morning and I hope she's right.

   Peter has been gone for a few days because he's trying to do some school work before collage. Apparently the lost boys taught him a lot about math, science and engineering. English comes naturally for him so he does well with those subjects.

  He just naturally smart I guess.

I'm slapped back into reality when I feel myself about to get sick. I throw up and stumble downstairs.

  "I got sick again. Don't tell-," I say to  hook as he slides into his and Emma's room

"OKAY THATS IT! We're going to the hospital, Cassidy. Come on,"Emma says and I glare at him

"Thanks a lot Killian," I say sarcastically

"Your welcome darling. Now go. We're worried about you," he says and Emma and I get in the car.

    At the hospital they do all sorts of tests for the flue and some type of virus. Then they take some of my blood and they have me pee in a cup.

   Whale left the room about thirty or so minutes ago and still isn't back.

  A nurse comes in and asks me to come to a different room. It had different machines and Emma's eyes go big.

"What," I ask

"N-nothing," she says and gives me a- fake- smile.

  Dr. Whale comes in and says, "well I have good and not so good news. The good news is you don't have the flue or the virus that's going on right now. About tge bad news is...

    Your pregnant.

I gasp and grab my flat stomach.

"I'll leave you alone for a minute," He says and steps out of the room

  I hear Emma get up and come towards me. She wraps her arms around me and whispers sweet things on my ear.

"Your gonna kick me out and Peter's gonna leave me," I cry

"No! No, no, no! I'm not gonna kick you out. I'm going to help you. And I know peter. He's not gonna leave you, trust me. He loves you. I know he does! Now, what do you wanna do. Its your choice. Give it up for adoption or keep it," she says looking at me

"Thank you. And I-personally- I wanna keep it. But it's also Peter's choice. So I have to ask him after I tell him," I say

"Well. He comes home tonight so you can tell him them,"

"Thanks Emma. Your like the mother I haven't had,"

"Your welcome. I'm glad to know that. Oh and speaking of mother. Your parents supposedly aren't in the tree but are in the ward at the hospital,"


"Okay," she says and we go home.

We get home and I help Emma with dinner. As we set the table I hear the door open and talking.

"Emma, Peters home," hook says and comes in. He gives me a smile before taking my place in the kitchen

Peter comes in and hugs me.

"Ohhhhh I've missed you soooo much," he says and I hug him back.

"Hey Peter? Can I talk to you," I say and he nods

We go upstairs and I sit on his bed.

"Hey. Are you okay? What's wrong," he asks bending down to look at me

I start crying and he grabs my face. He looks in my eyes.

I sob, "Please! P-p-please don't leave m-me!"

"Why would I do that," he asks

"Because I-I'm...Im pregnant," I say and he drops my hands to look at his

"Please don't leave," I sob

"Hey hey hey, I would NEVER leave you! I'm not going anywhere. You should know that," he says and kisses me

"Thank you," I cry and hug him

"Your welcome. I can't wait to meet our little guy,". He says and I laugh

"Wait? So you wanna keep him too,"

"Well yeah! I don't want him growing up in foster care. I know what that's like sort of. Not having parents,"

"Same," I say and kiss him

He breaks away and smiles as a tear drops from his face, "Were gonna have a baby."

We walk downstairs holding hands and smiling.

"What's with the happy faces," hook and Henry ask

"I'm gonna be a dad," Peter says before I can speak

"I call being uncle," I hear from the living room.

I look over and see Henry and Felix.

"But I'm suppose to be the uncle," Henry groans

"You can both be uncles," I say and hug Peter from the side.

We hear a weird growling noise

"Well...I'm hungry. So can we eat," hook asks and we laughs.

"Oh Killian," Emma Says before nodding her head and sitting down along with the rest of us.

"So...are y'all are keeping the little one. So you need to name her, and get check ups to make sure she's okay," hook says smiling

Emma gives a look and he cautiously

"I mean boy or girl," he says and gives us a smile.

"I made an appointment already," Felix yells from the living room

"What are doing here. You were supposed to leave," Peter says and gets up.

I get up as we, just to watch the seen play out. I watch as Felix pokes Peter in the chest before squeezing his cheeks. Peter slaps Felix's hands and shoves him out the door. I laugh and looks at me weirdly.

"What," he asks

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing," I say raising my hands and backing away from the living room.

I am going to Alabama tomorrow and then on Sunday I comeback and go straight to camp for a week. So I won't be updating for a bit.

Love y'all!

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