22) he knows

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Cassy's pov

Peter comes in my room with some bacon and I laugh. He smiles and sits on my bed with me.

He hands me the bacon and looks down. Fidgeting with his hands he looks down bitting his lip.

"What happened," I ask

"He knows," he says quickly

"He what," I say

"Hook. He knows what we did," he replies and runs a hand through his hair, "but he said he wouldn't tell anyone."

"How'd he find out,"

"It was weird,"


"Emma walked in and said I had that look. And that scared me. But then she said it was the look of I need food now.
Then hook came in and he said he knew that look but it wasn't a look of hunger it was a 'oh hey look at me. I just lost my virginity!' Look,"

  "Oh God," I say and let out a laugh, "that sounds like Killian."

  "Yeah I guess," Peter mumbles

"Hey. It'll be okay. I don't regret it," I smile

"I don't either,"

  "Do you ever wanna go back to Neverland,"

"Nope. I already sent the lost boys a message telling them what they could do. Keep the island or come here,"

  "But what about all your stuff," I ask

  "Neverland can be our...getaway if the whole town turns against us," he says and hugs me.

   "Do you wanna snuggle," I ask out of the blue causing peter to chuckle

"Sure," he says and lies down. I snuggle up to him and he wraps his arms around me.

"You know I won't let anyone hurt you right," Peter asks

"Yeah. I know. You proved that yesterday," I say and kiss him

  "Good," he mumbles into the kiss


   Hooks pov

   Oh my,This is one hard secret to keep. I keep wanting to tell Emma.

"Hey Killian. What's up," Emma asks coming into the room

Right in time.

"Oh nothing. You wanna go to granny's? I think I'm gonna go to granny's," I say and stand up

"You just ate. Are you already hungry again,"

"Uh no. I'm ummm going to meet David," I lie

  "But he called in sick,"

"He what,"

"Yeah. Did he not tell you," she asks

"I guess not. So much for keeping secrets," I mumble

"Yeah. Speaking of secrets, I know you have one," she says

"What," I ask shocked

"Yep. Tell me. What did they do," she asks and I sigh

  "Pan and Cassy might not be as innocent as you think they are," I say trying not to give it away

"They had sex didn't they," she asks and my jaw drops

"H-how? W-what," I ask

  "I could tell. 1: Peter's room was messy and it's usually clean. 2: the whole bed was crinkled not half of it. 3: he was paranoid this morning and kept on sushing you. And 4: you think I don't know that look hook. The 'I'm not a virgin anymore' look. Believe me I know it. I had it," she says

"Hehehe. Well ummm...fine just don't tell them I told you," I say

"You didn't. I guessed,"

"Right. Well, what do we do now,"

"We let them figure it,"

"What if she becomes pregnant," I ask

"Then we help her. And I know peter. He's stay. I know he would," she reassures me

  "Okay," I say.

Peter's pov

I walk downstairs and grab an apple. I clean it off and let it dry before eating it. When I'm done I throw the core in the apple. Then I go on my way back upstairs when Emma stops me

"You know don't you," I groan

"Yep," she says smirking

"Ugh! Killian," I groan

"I didn't tell her I swear! She guessed," he says running out of the living room

"Why'd you let her guess," I ask

"I didn't! She came in. Told me I was hiding something. Said some more stuff then dropped the 'I know what they did' bomb,"

  "How'd she- damnit! I knew I should have straitened up my room," I mumble

"Your smart," Emma says before she heads upstairs

"I guess I better buy a dog house now," I say

  "Why," hook asks utterly confused

"So I'll have a place to live," I say

He bursts into laughter and grabs my shoulder and says, "were not kicking you out. But, if you do it again. Use protection." He jokes

"What,"I ask

"Oh right umm...never mind. Just don't do it again," he says and slips away

"Oh God, what did I get myself into," I ask and walk up the stairs.

I open Cassy's door and sneak in. I lie down in the bed and wrap my arms around her. She snuggles into my chest and pulls the covers up.

"I love you," I whisper to her

Yes. I know. It's another shorty but I'll update again soon.

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