Black Magic

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After I said his name, there was a ripple of murmuring throughout the crowd.  I ran inside my house, slammed the door twice, and entered the secret headquarters.  The others were waiting for me.

"What the heck was that?" Tiff yelled.  "Now everyone is panicked."

"They needed to know.  And I know it's him.  A diamond H?  Two GLOWING EYES!  If this isn't Herobrine, then who is it?"  I shot back.

"Well, ummm...." Said Tiff.

All of the sudden, we heard screams from the surface.

"Go!" I yelled.  We scurried up to the surface, and saw an odd sight in front of us.  There was a cow with glowing red eyes rampaging through the camp.  It ran up to a kid and reared back to take a chunk out of him.

"NO!" I yelled.  Just as the cow lunged,  black mist shot out of the underbrush and hit the cow.  The animal burst into shards of darkness.  I turned toward the grass. There, standing in the plants, was a shadow.  As quick as it had come, it left.

I shrugged and said "Thank you!"

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