Mining Part 1

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After a lot of complaining, volunteering, and arguing we finally decided who should go on the trip. They wanted me to lead it, and to bring Tiff, the boy I talked to earlier with the basket, and this random kid who looked pretty weak. We set off, following basket boy toward the mineshaft that the previous team had found. We came prepared with 4 stone swords, 4 stone pics, a crafting table, furnace, 10 torches, and some wood.

After about 2 hours of walking, we came to a giant crater in the ground. I would've fell into it, but basket boy caught my arm.

"How did you guys get in?" I asked, looking down into the deep depression.

"We jumped." He replied.


"Not if we fall in the water." Basket boy pointed down into the chasm. It was barely noticeable, but I could make out a small patch of water.

"Ok. Hope your plan works." I turned and walked to the edge of the hole, took a huge breath of air, then jumped.

"Is he crazy?" Tiff asked, turning toward the other boys. Both nodded.

"Maybe just a little." Basket boy said.

I was falling faster and faster through the semi-lit tunnel, my body braced for impact. I wonder how deep thi- SPLASH! I hit the water and sank to the bottom very quickly. I pushed off and got up to the surface, my body stinging like crazy. I felt like I just did a bellyflop off the Eiffel Tower. I dragged myself up onto the rocks and turned over onto my back.

"I'm alive!" I yelled.

"You sure?" someone called back.

"Pretty sure!" I yelled back, getting annoyed.

"Are you out of the water?" the voice said.

"Yah!" I yelled back.

After a long time of screaming, yelling, and people yelling from outside the cave, someone finally hit the water next to me. Then someone else. Then someone else.

"Is everyone ok?" I asked.

"Yes." everyone replied, slowly crawling out of the water.

"Ok then. Lets go mining."

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