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I sat back on the bed, panting. I need to get out of here! I thought to myself. I got up and walked toward the door. Just as I was about to exit, I realized it might be a good idea to take the bed. I just kicked it as hard as I could, and it broke into the small floating form. I picked it up and placed it in my pocket. Also, a faint noise that sounded like hisssssssssssss was coming from under the house. TNT.

I ran like the wind through the now empty doorway and didn't stop once I was outside. I sprinted down a steep hill. Too steep. I tripped over a rock and tumbled head over heels down it. Halfway down, a deafening boom nearly shattered my eardrums. The whole hill lit up, and I could see the bottom of the hill. My hope was crushed at the sight of my fate. At the bottom of the hill was a cliff.

My whole body felt like it was broken. I was still rolling down they hill. I tried to look around, but it was hard because every time I lifted my head it would hit the ground again. I thought I caught a glimpse of a tree. I stuck my arms out and tried to grab onto everything. All of the sudden my left arm wrapped around something big and sturdy, and I came to a sudden stop. I looked up. I was hugging a small jungle tree. I had prevented a bad fall, and a tragic fate.

I would've celebrated, but a burning plank of wood was heading straight for my face.

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