Herobrine's Island

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I woke up on an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room. The only light came from the full moon that was shining through the window. Everything seemed...blurry. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Still blurry. I looked up at the clock on the wall and nearly fainted. Then I looked at the container. Then the bed I was laying in. There was no mistaking it. I was in Minecraft.

I sat there on the bed, trying to process what had just happened, when a loud BANG caused me to fall out of bed, startled. I looked around for the source of the sound, and found it staring back at me through the window in the door. A zombie.

The door was slowly breaking as the beast pounded on it. I panicked. Leaping out of the bed, I opened the chest. I was hoping for a sword, but instead all I got was a leather chest plate and an apple. I sat the apple on the bed and continued my search for a weapon. I checked everywhere, but found nothing.

Just as I was about to give up, I caught a glimpse of something under the bed, shining in the moonlight. I looked under the bed and grabbed the object, feeling it to try and figure out what it was. I felt a sharp point and a smooth blade. I held it up to the moonlight. Yes, it was a stone sword. CRASH! I spun around on my heel, only to come face to face with the zombie. It moaned and slowly stumbled toward me.

Gripping the sword with both hands, I whacked the monster in the shoulder. It just flashed red, flew about 5 feet back, and continued its assault. I hit it again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And finally, after six hits it fell over on the floor, fully red, and then disappeared in a wisp of smoke. It left behind nothing but a small, floating piece of rotten flesh. The zombie was dead.

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