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I layed in my bed for a few more seconds, then got up and walked into my kitchen.  I opened my chest and looked at the assortment of food I had too choose from.  I could choose meat, steak, meat, pork, meat, pork, steak, or meat.  I was about to go and try to kick some eggs out of the chickens (which had been making NO EGGS), when sunlight temporarily blinded me.  I moved out of the rays and looked for the source of the light.  Outside, in the middle of the town square, was a structure made of diamond ore (the stuff that becomes the real diamond after you mine it).  It was in the shape of a large H.  I ran outside and yelled "Who made this?" 

"Uhh, well, we kinda thought you did." said one boy.

"No, I didn't make this!  And in order to get this kind of diamond block, you would need a silk touch picaxe.  And WE don't have an enchantment table!" I said. 

"Well... I asked everyone, and no one said they built it." said the kid, mumbling.  I stared at the H.  All of the sudden, my mind flashed back to the dream.  The glowing eyes.  The evil voice.  I remembered seeing a shape fly across the moon, right after the fire had been started.  I knew what it was, suddenly.  But I didn't know its name.  I thought.  I thought so hard my head hurt.  I thought too hard.  I fell on the ground, crying out in pain.  Suddenly, I stood up.  I knew who it was.  I took a deep breath, then spoke:


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