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I was falling through darkness. It was pitch-black. There was no walls or floors, just a dark, empty, endless pit. I tried to call for help, but I couldn't speak. It was very cold. I couldn't move any part of my body.

I suddenly stopped, then dropped a foot onto solid ground. I lay there, very still, very scared. I thought I heard whispering. That made even more freaked out. Then a strong, commanding voice started to speak.

Mark. I should've known you were coming. Well, I guess there is nothing to tidy up anyway, so you can stay. But I don't like you, Mark. You are strong, talented, smart, and a natural born leader. I have seen what you can do. I know exactly who you are. You are very powerful. If you ever come looking for me, or even accidentally come near me, I will kill you. And whoever comes with you. And all the other people at your camp. I hoped to eliminate some of your people when I set that fire, but you swooped in and saved the day. I tried to blow you all up when you first got here, but you guys escaped that, too. It is an honor that I even let you live on this island, even if that is temporarily. Beware, Mark. I am always watching you. Stay away from me, and I'll stay away from you. Until next time...

I thought I caught a glimpse of 2 glowing white rectangles, but I didn't really have time to get a good look at them because once again, I started falling. This time, however, I was falling down toward a rapidly expanding circle of light. I hit the light and everything went black(kind of weird).

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