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The happiness was short lived. Half the camp walked up to me a few minutes later and started complaining.

"I'm so hungry! I could eat anything!" said one kid, who was had been eying the two pigs that some kids had caught and were currently attempting to breed.

"I'm bored! And sweaty! I need new clothes!" complained the fattest kid in the camp, who never helped with anything.

"I'm tired!" yelled someone else who had been chopping trees all day. The complaints just kept coming. Eventually, I got annoyed and stomped off toward my house. I opened the door and made sure to slam it really hard behind me, twice. That was the secret code that the "Specials"-me, Tiff, Brad, Keira, and Max-made to tell the group to go to the secret base. I waked to the lou, opened the secret trapdoor, and climbed down into the base.

The others were waiting for me. "What do you want?" said Tiff.

"The other kids are unhappy." I said.

"Well, what do they want?" said Max.

"Food, rest, clothes, and entertainment." I said.

"Well.. lets start with food. How about we build a farm!" said Keira.

"Yeah, that will help. But they need food NOW." I said.

"Then we add some livestock to our farm." said Max.

"Ok. Lets get to work." I said. We all climbed up into our houses and then met in the square. We then walked out into a field near the the mountains in the middle of the island. There was plenty of animals, and an abundance of grass. I started kicking the grass while walking through the meadow. Max and Brad took out axes and began their jobs as butchers(poor animals). Keira and Tiff started walking through the grass and plucking flowers.

In six hours, I had bag full of seeds, Max and Brad had bags full of meat and leather, and Tiff and Keira had stuffed their pouches with flowers. We walked back home and began another six grueling hours of work. I started cultivating the land while Max and Brad cooked meat. Tiff and Keira started tanning the leather and dyeing it. After I plowed the whole field, I planted the wheat seeds. I took a step back and admired my work. It was easy to see in the light of the full moon. I had twenty rows of wheat, with water in between every row. I added fences around the whole thing and placed torches on some of them. Then I went back into my house.

The hideout was very busy for only having four people in it. Max and Brad were cooking the meat in the furnaces that lined the wall. The heat was blistering. Tiff and Keira were making and dying clothes, and they kept running to the other side of the room to get more leather that they had tanned earlier that day. I stopped for a minute and wondered how they tanned it so fast. Then Brad ran past me and accidentally knocked me over.

"Hey, what's the rush!" I said.

"I'm so hot that I stopped sweating. That can't be good! I'm gonna go cool myself off in the fridge!" he said.

"Good idea." I said, standing up and brushing myself off.

Me and him walked into the fridge and sighed with relief. It was at least 45 degrees cooler than out there. We stood there for awhile, just enjoying the cold. Then Brad broke the silence.

"We could use your help with cooking that meat. It's not as easy as it looks!" he said.

"Sure, lets get back to work." I said.

That was how the rest of the night went. We cooked for a little bit then cooled ourselves off in the fridge, while the girls continuosly made clothes and dyed them. It was one of the longest nights of my life.

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