Happy (again)

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Finally, after six hours of work, we were done. The boys had cooked enough meat to last the camp for a year, and we stored half of that in the fridge. I had made a farm that was growing at a steady rate, and would soon be ready to harvest. The girls had made enough clothes for everyone in the camp to have to outfits.

We exited the base with high spirits. Lugging bags full of goods, we trudged into the town square. It was quite warm outside, considering it was just morning. We stopped in the middle of the grassy town square and dropped the sacks.

Everyone gathered around.

They wondered what was in the sacks.

Then we pulled out a cooked steak. Cheers arouse from the crowd. A few even squealed with delight. As we were showing of our trophies, the fat kid walked up, grabbed it out of Max's hand, and started to eat it.

Everyone stared at him.

He just stuck his hand in the sack, pulled out as much steak as he could get, and then walked into his house.

The other people decided to be more polite and form a line for the meat. After all the meat was handed out, we handed out the clothes.

After that, all was happy.

For a few more days.

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