Chapter 1

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A/N: It may seem like a lot of Madrid, but further into this chapter, you get more into Barça!

|Serena Ancelotti|

I don't think Sergio knows how to control his anger, and it really shows whenever we verse Barçalona. He never even touched them, and he looks more than frustrated. The ref pulled out a red card, and I jumped up from the bench and kicked the turf angrily. Carlos, my uncle, shot me a warning glared after I yelled "Merd!" towards the field. I walked forward onto the pitch, my face red with anger, but gareth glanced my way from the group of angry Madrid players and waved his hands, as if to say "keep away, you'll only do more harm," but in all honesty, that was the plan.

"Puta!" I shouted as loud as I could, as Sergio laughed and shook his head at the red card in the refs hand. A small smirked crept onto Neymar's face, and I glared slightly. Stupid Barçalona and their stupid hot players and their stupid lead in this stupid game. 

Cristiano said something to Sergio before he walked of the field, but he shook it off and walked off. I met him on the llines and patted his shoulder. 

"The call was bullshit," I muttered in Spanish to him. He nodded his head and walked off the pitch while I went and stood next to my uncle, who looks flustered as the two teams started to clear the 'crime scene.'

"Hopefully they can shift their anger into their playing," I muttered to Carlos. He nodded his head and bit his inner cheek and Madrid took thir positions again, geting ready for the free kick gingerly. 

"You can do it, boys," I whispered to myself as Messi took the kick, and I sucked in a breath. This is another reason why I hate Barçalona with a passion; they're dirty. 

 "Fuck this!" I yelled, throwing the nearest thing, a plastic water bottle, onto the ground, making it explode, splashing Neymar who was along the sidelines, waiting for the ball to shift to him.

"Hey, watch it, you-" He spun around and our eyes met. I cocked my head to the side innocently, and he examined my face, successfully loosing the play as the ball bounced past him towards my feet. I trapped it with the bottom of my foot and passed it to Coentrao with a smirk on my face. He did more of a squint than a glare, and I blew him a kiss before he went back into the game. 

Pepe gave me little friendly wink, showing he saw what I did, and I plastered a grin on my face proudly. Take that, Neymar. To bad he plays for the enemy team, since he is really cute. He has that vibe coming off of him, the vibe of sex. And To be completely honest, it was very alluring. It made you just want to get closer to him. The want for him to kiss me was bad.

Stop that, Serena! Hala Madrid! Not Barçalona!

|After the game|

"Serena," Carlos signaled for me to come over while he stood by the oposing team's manager, Gerardo Martino, and it was obvious he was trying to forget the match that just finished just twenty minutes ago. 

"Meet Barçalona's Manager, Gerardo," I leaned forward and shook his hand kindly, smiling brightly, "Now, I want you to keep an open mind with this... which means you have no choice, really, Serena. You're going to train with Barçalona for the next three weeks."

"What?" I said loudly. "All do respect, sir, but I can't stand Barçalona!"


"It's alright," Gerardo cut my uncle off, "I understand, Mrs. Ancelotti, but honestly, we do need a little more practice with a wall of a midfielder like yourself. I've seen you before, nothing seems to get oast you, and we're even considering offering you a spot on the Barçalona womens team. And this way, we all benefit."

I considered saying no, but I stole a glance at my uncle who was giving me a strong look, saying 'you can't say no'. Why can't he just let me make my own decisions. I want to help with Madrid, to coach or manage, instead of playing. If Real Madrid had a womens team, that would be totally different! I would've already been on that team, kicking Barça's ass! But no, they don't have one. It's stupid, and I would never want to play for that dirty club.

But if I struggle through training easily, and just show off and do amazing, then turn down thw offer they will have to give me after they see me play, it will be worth it. To see the look on their face, getting turned down by me. Not to brag, but I'm better than most of the midfielders in La Liga.

"Okay, yes, alright," I said quickly, Neymar and Messi coming up next to their manager, probably looking to talk. I looked at Neymar, who was studying me while Messi had a grin on his face, probably proud about his dirty playing. 

"What's this about?" Neymar asked and his manager who turned to him happily.

"This fine young player will come and train with us for three weeks!" He replied, and turned to shake my hand. I gave a fake smile and tried to look happy, and Carlos had a smug look on his face. 

"How nice," Neymar sneered at me and I gave a challenging look. Both managers and Messi walked off while Neymar and I glared at each other.

"Don't be threatened. I'm just a girl. But I assume you're just scared I'll take all the attention away from your theatrical dribbling." I snapped back, and he leaned forward.

"I could take you any day, princess." He said.

"Then try," I motioned onto the almost-empty field with a ball at my feet, which I was holding since I grabbed it from Cris in the locker room.

"Fine!" He said, leading the way out onto the pitch. We walked on, and Pique was just grabbing his water bottle from the bench and saw us walking out. I tossed the ball at Neymar's chest hard, and motioned for him to start. 

"Bring it," I smirked, and he moved forward towards me. He cut left and brought if back, steadying it, and doing a step over, but I stayed focused on the ball, not his feet. He went to cut left againt, and I jutted out my foot on the bright green turf, kicking the ball out from his feet behind him. He lost balanced and stumbled forward, and I purposely left my foot out and he tripped forward onto his chest. He looked at me, and I smirked down at him.

"Good one," he surprised me by being so nice, and he jumped up again. "You're turn."

He fetched the ball and passed it back to my, using my Mercurials, a fellow teammates cleats, and pushed the ball around a bit before getting ready. I advanced him, using both feet. Once I got close enough. I bounced the ball off the inside of my left foot, then my right, then used my left to push it behind my right leg again, tripping up Neymar and pushed past him easily until I knew there was no chance of him winning. I smiled sweetly and passed the ball back to him, and he started right away, coming towards me.

I recongnised the rainbow he was trying and ran closer, shutting down the trick and he went down again, and faked to the left. Silly me, I stepped, revealing the space to pass between my legs. I reacted quickly, closer off the gap by dipping my right knee under and stopping the ball. But he didn't stop at that. He jumped over my leg before I could react, trying to push the ball to my left, and I stuck out my foot again. This time he stumbled, taking me down with him untill he landed on top of me. 

"Nice try, babe. Nothing gets past me," I said to him, putting my hands on his chest to push him off, but I stopped and got lost into his eyes like a stupid girl in a romance novel. But he seemed to be in the same kind of trance I was in, because he didn't get up. He started to glance at my lips, giving me hints that he wanted to kiss me. I didn't do anything, and he leaned in, connecting his lips to mine. 

They moved in rythmn, the sweet taste of his lips against mine was heavenly. Until I remembered, I was kissing a Barçalona player. I pushed him off me suddenly, and he rolled onto his back, stunned. I got up quickly, brushing the turf off my legs, looking down at him.

"Siempre Madrid," (Forever Madrid) I spat and he furrowed his brows. "Nice playing with you, Neymar. But I'm better, same as Madrid is better than Barça."

A/N: Plese tell me what you think! Comments and critique are always welcome! Thank you!

Fun fact: My team is actually Real Madrid too, but I have a liking to Neymar, maybe for looks, maybe for playing. But he's the only exception!


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