Chapter 18

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Serena's POV

Now we had a week off. No league games, no playoffs games, no training, nothing. My plan was to go back home to my cozy apartment in Madrid and go to sleep at ungodly hours then wake up three quarters through the day, then just eat and watch Netflix, but apparently I had to fit in socializing into my fool-proof plan. 

Neymar invited to me come to his place in Brazil for a week, but it's not like there's so much to do there. I'm more of the kind of person who'd rather lay in bed than go sight-seeing, if you knw what I mean. So of course, the response from Neymar was that I was lazy and he can't bring me anywhere, which ended with me telling him to fuck off and that this was my week off from everything. 

But I didn't have a choice. He had business in Brazil, so we made a deal; I could spend four days in Madrid, catching up with everyone while he handles his stuff, then I would fly out for the remainder of the break and meet him in Brazil and he can show me around a bit before we had another game. I guess I could fit being lazy somewhere in the schedule. 

I'm now in Madrid, sitting in a taxi, riding towards my apartment. I texted Gareth earlier and he said he would meet me there. They had a game later tonight that I could come watch, from the sidelines. It's not like I cared if Carlo was there. He couldn't get in the way of me and my boys.

I lugged my suitcase through the hallway and opened my unlocked door- Gareth never locks it after himself. 

"Rena!" He exclaimed, coming over and hugging me tightly. "I missed you! I heard you're playing for Portugal's national team with Pepe, Cristiano and Fabio!" Fabio equals Coentrao. Joy.

"Yeah, I'm pretty excited." I admitted and put my suitcase into my bedroom and closing the door behind me. 

"Who are you versing again?" I asked. 

"Real Betis." He replied, grabbing his keys off the counter. "Let's go."

"Um, but I'm wearing a Barcelona sweatshirt." I laughed and he looked at it.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. We all know who you play for anyways, so it's no surprise." He shrugged and I followed him out to his car. We arrived at te stadium shortly after and entered through the back door, heading for the change room. He entered first, just in case.

"Cover up! There's a guest!" He called.

I walked through the door and was greeted by thirty or so shirtless men. Then got hugged by fifteen or so shirtless men. It was joyful. 

"Oh look, it's the traitor back in Madrid, wearing her ugly little Barcelona sweatshirt. You disgust me." Fabio sneered and Cris hit him on the back of his head. 

"Someone's just jealous that I'm better than them." I snapped back and my pone buzzed from my pocket. It was Neymar calling.

"One sec," I mumbled and went out to the hallway and answered.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Go out onto the pitch and look behind the Madrid bench." He said simply and hung up. I walked out and saw him sitting in the third row, smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and hopped the barrier separating the fans and the players from the pitch, and sat next to him.

"Hey beautiful," He said, grabbing my face and pulling me into a long, passionate kiss. I smiled against his lips and deepened it, him wrapping his arms around my waist. 

"Get a room!" I pulled apart from Neymar and saw Marcelo smirking at us. Marcelo and Neymar played on the Brazil National Team together, and were decent friends. 

"Long time no see, brother!" Neymar stood up and jumped over the barrier and did one of those guy, handshake half hug things. 

"Excited for the World Cup?" Marcelo asked and Ney nodded. 

"Excited to kick this one's ass," He pointed to me and smirked. I rolled my eyes and gave him the middle finger. Sergio came and grabbed me to play pass as more and more people came into the arena with Real Betis warming up on the other side. Once they saw Neymar and I, people were freaking out and coming by the sidelines to take pictures and ask questions. 

"You're quite popular," Sergio noted and I nodded my head.

"The one and only," I winked and kicked the ball back. He laughed and Carlo came onto the pitch.

"Serena." He motioned me to come over and I obeyed, Sergio and Cris stood by, listening in and ready to come to the rescue. 

"I"m sorry for how I've been acting lately. I just wasn't liking you playing for FC Barcelona, but now I see how happy you are and how amazing you are on the pitch, so I can't be mad. I would like to welcome you to La Liga, and back in Madrid. You are welcome to come and sit on the sidelines. Um, even your boyfriend can join you," He nodded in Neymar's direction and I laughed.

"Thank you, but I think it's best for us to just sit in the stands for a while." I walked off towards Marcelo and Neymar. He put his arm around me when I came next to him.

"Welcome back to Madrid," Marcelo said. I separated myself from Neymar and gave him a hug, but when I went back to Ney, he put his arm around me again. It's like he thinks I'll get stolen if he doesn't have a hand on me.

"We were just talking about you, actually." Neymar said to me and I raised my eyebrows.

"Oh really? About what?" I asked.

"About how you made Fabio get pummeled to shit after the El Classico. I thought security would have to hold Sergio back! And not to mention everything online too. Everyone was angry at him." He said and I smirked. 

"Good. He's an asshole." I said and the captain's went up for the coin toss. Neymar and I said bye to Marcelo and the rest of the boys and went up to the stands where the wives and family were seated.

"Irina!" I squealed and she jumped up, giving me a hug. Irina was Cristiano's Russian model girlfriend. 

"Rena! We've missed you so much!" she said and looked to Neymar.

"And this must be the cute new boyfriend," she winked and gave him a hug. He chuckled and I pulled him down to sit in the chair next to me.

"How've you been?" she asked. 

"Good. We have the week off and I decided to come to Madrid for a couple days then this fart decided to surprise me and show up for a reason only god knows." I teased. She laughed and leaned into my ear. 

"He's a cutie! Way to pick 'em." she whispered and I laughed. Neymar look confused which made us laugh more. The ref blew his whistle for the game to start and we went silent, watching the kickoff that Real Betis lost possession of quickly, ending with Cris going through the entire defensive line and scoring in the first minute of the game. 

We all got out of our seats and cheered, and I hugged Irina. 

"Damn girl, your boyfriend is kick ass." I laughed and we sat back down. Neymar grabbed my hand and interwined our fingers together and I rested my head on his shoulders, watching the game intently. He kissed my forehead lightly and watched the ball being crossed by Angel. Nothing could be better!

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