Chapter 20

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**Skipping ahead to after they were in Brazil, now it's the game and such. Sorry!**

Serena's POV 

I sat next to Neymar and Marc on the bench. The listings for the Copa Del Rey matches were now up. I was excited to see who asses we get to kick first!

"First match day has Real Betis against Espanyol, Valladolid against Athletico Madrid," and we held our breath for the last paring Gerardo was gonig to annouce, "Real Madrid against Barcelona."

We all yet out a cheer. An El Classico as the first Copa Del Rey match we were going to play! I cracked my knuckles and stood up. The match was tomorrow, and Gerardo said we'd fit in a light scrimmage today, of just passing and little challenges so no one gets hurt before the big game. 

"Everyone must be ready to come out winning," he warned, looking at everyone of us. "and our captain needs to direct her team," he glanced at me nodding. That's Tata code for 'make the teams so I can sit down and play on my phone.' 

I listed off fair teams, each with one defender, two midfields and one forward for a perfect and balanced four on four with multiple little playing areas. Of course I chose a stellar team for myself, with Leo, Gerard, Xavi and myself against Neymar, Marc, Sergi and Alex. 

Perfectly fair.

So get ready for a lot of yelling, cursing and amazing plays.

We set up one, two, one with us with the ball first. Leo immediately passed back to my and I played it to Xavi who passed up to Leo. We kept a passing triangle until the caught on, then introduced Gerard into the mix. After that, we started to attack. 

We won of course, although no one could say the teams weren't fair. Neymar had plenty of chances to touch it into the mini collapsible net, but I guess he forgot how to play football. 

"You can't play like that tomorrow." I warned him and he nodded, knowing he sucked today. I didn't say much more since I know it can be hard when you don't perform and you can easily take it out on yourself. But in the El Classico with both teams on fire with winning streaks, (ours is seven and theirs is five) you can't just not play well. It can cost the team, not just your self-image. 

Gerardo blew his whistle and we raced to get the cones like little kids, laughing screaming. We're the most unprofessional professional football team ever. I told Tata that Neymar was off his game quietly and he nodded saying thank you. It's not mean, it's the captain's job to watch our for our players. 

We all went to the showers and I went to mine, the closed-off one in the back, and let the water pour over me until everyone left to change. I turned off the hot water and dried off, wrapping the white towel around my body and walked to the change room.

All the guys were respectful, didn't look, at least not obviously, and didn't say much. It's not like they have much to say, but it's the principal of the thing. 

I sat down in my cubby area, slipping my undies on with the towel covering everything that had to be covered and put on black tights. After I faced the wall in the corner for protection and dropped my towel, putting on my bra as quickly as I could and put my simple grey crewneck on that said "Hala Madrid" on the front. 

"Someone's lookin' hot." Neymar smirked nad kissed my cheek. Marc made a gagging noise and I rolled my eyes, grabbing my boyfriend's hand and pulling him out of the change room. 

"So, what do you want to do today?" He asked. Simple answer;

"Eat." I said. I was starving! But of course, I could only have salad, with any luck, pasta. But it was still food and that's what counted. 

"Of course," Neymar teased and led me to his car. We drove down the main road until we hit a restaurant that was casual. We sat in a booth at the very back, hoping not to drag attention to us so we could eat undisturbed by fans. 

"Are you excited for another El Classico?" Neymar asked. I nodded my head vigorously and set my menu down, already knwoing what I was ordering.

"I'm always excited to play my old team!" I exclaimed and he smiled his cute smile. His teeth were so white and his smile made me so happy to see. He had this effect on me I couldn't control. Like I can't get enough of him. There's always something to do, to learn, to discover about him and I loved that. I just hope he feels the same way about me!

I placed my order to the young female waitress, the same age as me. She flashed a smile at Neymar and twirled her hair. Ugh.

"And what can I get you, handsome?" She asked.

"I'll get the same as her." He smiled back, in a friendly way. 

"Do you work out?" She asked, pocking his hard bicep. My hard bicep to poke and love.

"Yeah, I guess." He said awkwardly and looked to me with help. I tried to contain my laughter as she tried to flirt with him again, completely ignoring my existence. 

"You must be very fit." gag.

"I have to be." He replied shortly.

"What do you do for a living?" She asked. Clueless.

"I'm a footballer." He said.

"Oh wow! Who do you play for?" 

"My girlfriend and I both play for FC Barcelona." He said mockingly. I snorted and she shot me a glare. "It'd be really great if you got our food to us quickly, we have plans after that we can't wait to get to, if you know what I mean, so we need lot's of energy." He winked and me and she stormed off. I busted out laughing with him.

"Nice, nice." I sid in between fits of laughter. When she came back with our food, she slammed it down on the counter and walked away quickly, forgetting to fill up my bottle of Coke.

"Someone's mad she got turned down." I mumbled and got up, going to the counter and waited for some available to give me a re-fill.

"You're not good enough for him." I snapped my head around and the girl looked at me angrily. 

"Oh, and you are?" I retorted and shoved my glass in her face. 

"Why don't you fill this up for me, like the good little waitress you are, and shut the fuck up." I smiled sickly sweet and she grabbed it out of my hands. A minute later, she gave my the glass and walked off to another table. 

For all I know, she probably spat in it.

The Barça Player ( Neymar Jr. FanFic )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu