Chapter 14

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**Photo of Serena on the side**

Neymar's POV

I walked up to Serena's hotel room door and went to knock, but Marc opened it before I had the chance. He smiled and me.

"Coming to see your girl?" He smirked and I nodded.

"Of course." I smiled.

"Hey man, don't hurt her, okay?" He said and I looked at him confused, and he let me past him on his way out. I saw her laying in the far bed, sleeping soundly. Her body was sprawled out in the middle of the bed with her hands tucked under her cheek.

"Serena?" I asked, walking over and shaking her shoulder. She let out a frustrated groan and pulled the covers over her head and moved further away from me on the bed. "Go away."

"Get up, some of us are going to breakfast." I said, hoping food will gt her excited. She glanced up at me, and reluctantly got out of bed. Without saying a word, she shut the door to the bathroom and the water started to run.

What did Marc mean when he said don't hurt her? I made one mistake, I won't make anymore. She means a lot to me. Leo said something similar, even Gerard said something to me! I was upset yes, and I was angry at her, my teammates, Real Madrid and myself for not noticing she was hurting so much, but I know how to handle her know. I know how to be a good boyfriend.

Serena emerged from the bathroom with a white towel wrapped around her waist and she didn't even pay attention to me, she just grabbed her clothes and went back into the bathroom.

She came out again wearing high waisted jean short shorts, a blue tribal shirt that showed a couple inches of stomach and she put on sandals. her hair was down and loose with a little makeup on. She looked stunning, as usual. 

She looked sad, as if something happened that I didn't know about. I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her forehead. She leaned into me, her hands and body pressed against my chest and she leaned her head on my shoulder, sighing sadly.

"What's wrong, beautiful?" I asked.

"It's nothing important," she muttered.

"If it has you down, then of course it's important," I said, rubbing her back.

"Please just leave it alone," She replied and pulled out of our embrace and plastered a fake-ish smile on her face, inhaled deeply and walked out of the room, her head held high. I love her so much.

Serena's POV (during the night)

I sat next to Marc on his bed closest to the TV and watch the credits scrolled by silently. I leaned my hand on his shoulders, getting tired. His arm was around my shoulders and I was curled up by his side, but as friends. 

The movie was scary, so you can't blame me for not wanting to sleep alone tonight. I considering calling Neymar, but it would be weird for any of our roommates if we slept together. Marc and I were becoming really close, but no sexual attraction at all. We were purely friends.

"Rena, can I be honest with you?" He asked. I nodded my head and he slumped down, wrapping his other arm around me and getting comfy.

"You're my favourite on this team." He said and I giggled.

"No! Seriously. I finally have a good friend who doesn't talk shit." He said. 

"I know. I like you too." I replied.

"Good. I just don't want people thinking we are anything more but close friends." He said sadly.

"Yeah, but who even cares. As long as the team knows we're only friends, it doesn't matter. At least that's what I think." I shrugged.

"Easy for you to say, it's like you have a brick wall around your emotions." He said, the mood suddenly changing.

"I'd rather be emotionless then constantly depressed." I murmured, he was touching a soft subject. But I didn't change it, I don't know why.

"You've been hurt before, haven't you?" He asked and I nodded my head sadly, remembering back when I was travelling for football in college in Portugal. The lies, the rumors, men using me for sex then dumping me, saying I was worthless.

"I can't describe how it feels to be put down everyday for three years by everyone you know. That's why Madrid is so important to me. They helped me get through all he pain. I quit football after what happened during college, I said I was never going to lace up my cleats again. But they didn't let me. They kept pushing me to play again and again." I said. He sighed.

"And now you're here, helping us win and becoming one of the most iconic footballers of all time. You accomplished so much, and I bet more than half of the people who hurt you are just playing for fun now." He assured me and I nodded.

I murmured thank you, and fell asleep in his bed, having flashbacks. But they didn't scare me anymore. I was bigger than them. Bigger, stronger and better.

|The game|

I sat next to Leo and Neymar on the bench as we waited for the rest of the team to hurry up. Gerardo walked up to me and handed me the arm band

"The new captain." He said simply, smiled and walked away. I was utterly speechless. The team came and noticed me slipping it on my arm and congratulated me. I was nervous walking up to do the coin toss. I chose the according side while they got first ball and shook everyone's hands and walked back to do our cheer and get into the starting positions. 

Almería kept possession most of the first half, but I managed to slip a ball during a cross past the goalkeeper. By the end, I got two others, adding to my goal of a hat trick every game. I was close to breaking a record, as Alexis told me. 

Neymar and I got dinner after, being stopped to sign a few things for fans. I didn't say no, considering it's   cool to even think I have fans, let alone one of the most popular jerseys to buy for Barcelona. My dream is coming true, and I couldn't be happier at where my life is right now. 

I'm finally where I'm supposed to be. But who knew it was with FC Barcelona?

A/N: So you guys got to know Serena a bit better this chapter, and I introduced her new bestie Marc! But don't worry, nothing will happened between them.

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