Chapter 4

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Serena's Dream

He grabbed my hand and smiled at me, his white teeth shinning brightly. His eyes held a look of love and prosper, and I knew I was already in love. I couldn't hear him over the crowd, but he mouthed 'I love you' to me, raising our hands above our heads, the crowd going wild. We did it, we won the Champions League, against my old team. My uncle looked angry on the side lines, but I couldn't be happier.

Standing on the pitch, wearing my Barcelona jersey, hand in hand with my true love, I couldn't be happier. My dreams came true, and I'm one of the best. He said he never had a second thought about marrying me, and I never had one either. I was right, this was the best honeymoon ever. 

I woke up, shaking my head, still holding onto the covers. How could that even happen, I would never marry Neymar. Or be happy that we beat Real Madrid for the cup. 

I pushed the dream to the back of my mind as I got ready, but the thought still lingered. It just felt so real, genuine. Like we really loved each other. But I don't love him. Right?

|The game|

I called for the ball on the wing, and m passed back to me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone coming at me, and I spotted a hole up the middle with a large clear space, right to the net. I kicked the ball forward, pushing myself as hard as I could to get away from the Athletico Madrid defender, until I was at the top of the box.

I took a look quickly, but Neymar and Messi were blocked by two other players. I took a breath, and kicked the ball as hard as I could, aiming for the top right corner. The ball found the back of the net, with a little curve to the outside. I raised my hands in the air and kept running to the sidelines, cheering loudly for my first goal, in the first ten minutes, of my first game. How often does that happen?

Soon, the rest of my team was hugging and cheering with me, the home crowd cheering more and more. I knew I'd proven myself to them already. Some Real Madrid players were in the stands, clapping. They were here for the El Classico in two days. And Gerardo said I'll be playing then, too. 

We started to walk back to set up in our positions, getting ready for the kick off again. I waved to Victor who gave me a thumbs up, and Gerard gave me a high five. Neymar gave me a hug and spun me around, causing me to giggle and hug him back.

"Good job beautiful." He kissed the top of my head and playfully tugged on my ponytail. I winked and gave a thumbs up.

"Lucky since you haven't been doing shit." I teased and he rolled my eyes. He wrapped his arm around my waist while we walked back, waving to the crowd. A part of me wanted to shrug his arm off, but another want of me wanted him to... kiss me.

"Whatever. It's only the beginning of the match." He reminded me and stopped in his place. I went a bit further down our half of the pitch and stood behind him.

"Only the beginning." I said to myself.

I guess I realized that even if I didn't play for Real Madrid, I'd still play my hardest no matter what. I can't look bad just because I'm on Barcelona! I'll be the best damn midfielder La Liga has ever seen, even if it means helping Barcelona win the Champions League, Copa Del Ray, and everything in between. It's what the professionals do, right? And I'll do it best!

|After the Game|

I walked off with Leo, Neymar and Victor. We were all sweaty, since Athletico gave us a workout in the second half, but we managed to pull through well, with a 4-1 win for us. I got one other goal, and Neymar and Xavi got one each, both on corners. I noticed a girl on the sidelines wearing a Messi jersey, who was waving at the guys.

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