Chapter One

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It all started when I started my freshman year in college. I had the opportunity to enroll in the college of my dreams, along with my two best friends who had followed the journey with me since we were in grade school. I never thought it could get any better than it possible was when I stepped foot into the door of the classroom that I would be calling mine for the next few years.

"I call the back row!" I was harshly pushed out of the way as my friend, Nathan, was sprinting down the rows of tables to claim the back row before anyone else could.

I felt a presence beside me as I glanced over to see my other friend, Kate, stand next to me. "This is not grade school, just pick a seat!" I could tell she was beginning to get frustrated.

I only chuckled as I followed her to the back row where Nathan was already getting comforable as he propped his feet up on the table and leaned back in his chair. I sat down next to him while Kate sat on the other side of me.

The classroom soon began getting more crowded as more people were coming throught the door. I watched as different types of people were finding their seat. I observed each and every one of them until my eyes landed on a particular person, whom caught my eye within a second. It seemed as though I couldn't take my eyes off of her as she was smiling at everyone.

And did her smile send the heavens singing.

She made her way to the front of the classroom, usually where the professor would be. I studied her for a moment until she opened her mouth to speak, and it seemed as though everyone in the room suddenly became quiet and all you could hear was her.

"Good morning, class." She smiled at everyone as they all said their 'good mornings'. She turned around to face the white board behind her, and she started writing something on it. After she was done, she turned back around to face everyone. "My name is Miss Grace," She smiled once before she continued. "Welcome to the first day of your next few years." Her eyes scanned the room for a brief moment until she turned her attention back to the board behind her.

My attention was focused on her and only her. Everything around me started to fade as she was the only woman in the room. Questions were running through my head and since I didn't have the answers, it was slowly eating me alive. After a few minutes, she started asking questions as problems were written on the board. Each answer someone gave was painfully wrong, and it irritated me to the point where I raised my hand to end the torture.

Her eyes landed on me and her smile soon made its way back onto her face. "Yes?" She questioned, as she didn't know my name. The answer rolled off my tongue effortlessly, which gained a brighter smile from her. "Correct." She turned back to the board and I leaned back in my chair feeling great.

I caught sight of Kate staring at me, and I gave her a confused look. "What?" I questioned. She didn't say anything as she was still staring at me, but soon focused her attention back to her notebook that was opened out in front of her.

Time seemed to run faster than I expected as we were dismissed from class in a few short minutes. I grabbed my bag as I stood up and Nathan soon started sending his vocals through my ear. "Let's go grab something to eat." I looked over at him as he was slinging his bag over his shoulder, watching me.

I looked over at Kate. "You want to go eat?" I asked as she was standing up. When she didn't respond, but gave me a half nod, I accepted.

We both pushed our chairs in, to not appear rude, and we made our way to the front of the class. Miss Grace was standing in front of her computer as her eyes were scanning the screen in front of her. My feet were slowly making their way towards her without stopping. She finally looked up and caught my stare.

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