Ch 28: Sleeping Beauty

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Wulf POV:

The click of Sammy's heels followed me as I carried Vega into my room. "Wulf, boo, is she okay?"

I didn't even look at the girl as I set Vega down on the getting on my knees before her as she gripped the edge of the bed and struggled to breathe. "She will be. Vega, hey beautiful look at me. Open your eyes star, look at me."

Breath coming in short bursts she did, her insanely pale green eyes staring into my own.

A tear slipped down her cheek and I was quick to brush it away before taking her hands. "Good. Breathe with me baby, in and out slowly now okay? Deep breaths."

Thank fuck she complied. She needs to be calm so she can get angry and yell at me. So not once breaking eye contact i breathed with her until she wasn't hyperventilating.

"Good baby. Do you want some water?"

Shakily she nodded.

I held my hand out and Sammy clamored over with two bottles of water, "I like wasn't sure if you wanted regular or sparkling."

I couldn't help my smiling, taking the regular water from her, "Sammy, people having anxiety attacks don't care if their water is bubbling." I looked back to Vega, twisting the cap off, "here baby. Can you hold it? Your still shaking."

She nodded bringing it to her lips with shaking hands.

Gently I started to massaging her legs from her feet to her thighs in the way I knew she liked.

It helps with the shaking.

When the shaking starts shes going to get tired. These things wipe out her energy.

And when she waked up she's going to have a headache. "Sammy, can you put the ice in the freezer under my bed."

The blonde rose a brow, "you have appliances under the bed."


"Alright alright." She did as I asked.

Was all sat in silence as slowly Vegas eyes began to droop.

I took the water as she drifted away, carefully I set her fully on the bed pulling the sheets over her.

The room was silent for a few minutes as I brushed Vegas hair from her face and removed her jewelry.

I nearly jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder, "so who is she?"

I glanced at Sammy, the blonde peering curiously at me. "Vega. My girlfriend."

"Well. Shes very pretty."

I smiled softly, "I know right? Most beautiful god damn woman on the planet."

Sammy cracked open the sparkling water taking a sip as she rolled her eyes, "what am I chopped liver."

"Compared to her?"

"Ah!" She held up a finger, "boy don't you even go there."

"You asked."

"The correct response would have been Im the most beautiful tran woman in the world. Your girl can win in the natural woman category but, nobody beats all this." She gestured to herself.

I rolled my eyes, "whatever Sammy."

"That just means you know I'm right." She sat on the bed next to me, "and fyi if I was having an anxiety attack I would want mineral water."

"Because shit Sammy even when you had a dick you were the most high maintenance ass I have ever met."

She stuck her tongue out, "you know boo, if anyone else said that to me they would get smacked."

"Yeah well that would be the least of my problems?"

She bit her lip, "look when I told her I fucked you that time I didn't know."

I waved that off, "she already knows. And at the time she got jealous and upset because of how close we are but shes good now thats not the problem."

She choked on her water, "you think shes good now? Oh no honey, if I was in her shoes I would be calling my ass every name in the book. You payed for my gender reassignment surgery not to mention my hormone injections and then we had sex. And we still talk. You never talk to the girls you fuck."

"she referred to you as a man lady."

The blonde scoffed, "cute. I would have come up with something better though. God knows i have had plenty of strangers in bars call me worse and I didn't even fuck their boyfriends."

I chuckled a bit.

She smacked my arm, "the point is I am beautiful and no one likes their man around a beautiful girl he's slept with. Shes not okay with it, she just really likes you."

"I hope she more than likes me. Im the sap that fell in love with her and is tossing my dad in prison for her mothers murder."

Sammy hummed, "sounds sweet. But then why didn't she seem to know today was the party to celebrate your takeover. She's your lady right? Queen to the Night criminal empire with your takeover. I would wanna party my ass off."

I rubbed a hand over my face, "yeah she doesn't know about that. I actually told her I wasn't going to take over. She wants to have a normal non criminal life."

Sammy sighed, "she doesn't accept the criminal part of your life."

"She does. Sammy, Vega takes me at my worst don't ever doubt that. She just worries about my safety. She wants the best for me."

Sammy hummed, "okay boo. But honestly you should tell her, she seems ready to dump you and she will if she finds out from someone else, your so lucky I didn't say anything to her."

"I know, and I will when the moments right."

Seeming to sense that I really didn't want to talk about this anymore she looked at Vega again, "well Im super jealous of her face shes like a fucking supermodel." She started to pull back the sheet, frowning when I slapped her hand away, "I just have to know does she waist train?"

I frowned, "no, what? What the fuck Sammy?"

She huffed, "that bitch."

I glared at her, "Sammy!"

"I saw that bod in that little dress asshole! I have every right to hate her for have the face of a goddess and the body of a succubus. Like shit, how many women cry when she walks by because they can't compare? I mean I'm straight as hell but I would go lesbian for her, if you ever want a threesome call me first yeah?"

"Weirdly enough I'm into monogamy now."

"Duh. What man would want to share that?"

I rolled my eyes, "Im glad you approve Sammy."

"Oh shut up. And don't let your hot ass girlfriend run away I need her to teach me how to tone my ass like that."

"Her ass is amazing."

She nodded, "I mean I only got a glimpse when we were talking but shit i want her body. Her swimsuit looks gotta be killer."

Laughing I wrapped an arm around her, pecking her on the cheek, "you should see her naked. Now do a guy a solid and start clearing away the party? It will help to have them gone when she wakes up."

The bubbly blonde stood, "alright alright boo, you're lucky your so cute."

"You're the best Sammy."

She sashayed off, "I know. Now take care of sleeping beauty I'm going to borrow one of your guns."

She was gone before I could as why.

And honestly I didn't care.

Instead I dimmed the lights and climbed into bed beside her.

It makes her feel better to wake up with someone beside her.

Even if she wants to kill that someone.

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